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Is anyone else's performance balanced?

Is anyone else's performance balanced?

Only Chess

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What do I mean? Well I just looked at my performance (button on My Home) and just noticed I have won, lost, and drawn nearly equal numbers of games as both White and Black. Here's the numbers:

White: W 57 D 8 L 25
Black: W 57 D 6 L 23
Total: W 114 D 14 L 48

I just found this interesting and wondered if this is common or should I start listening more closely for the Twilight Zone or Outer Limits intro. ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜›

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W: 27 2 1
B: 28 1 4
T: 55 3 5

Seems balanced to me. Sort of.

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w d l
80 7 20

w d l
84 3 20

Still doing better as black. I think because I prefer playing defensively on here.


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W: 64-3-14 = 65.5/81 = 81%
B: 66-5-18 = 68.5/89 = 77%

I've been doing a bit better with white lately.


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w d L
20 5 3


w d L
23 4 6

I seem to have played more games with black so its hard to tell.

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I will put forth the hypothesis that as one's rating increases, one's scoring differential between white and black is expected to increase.

I'd appreciate it if our esteemed theorists could support or reject this claim.

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I think that's sort of true, but it's really as your level of competition increases.

The higher the level, the more the extra move matters. At low levels (e.g., my level) the extra move is not meaningful at all.

This is for the same reason that at low levels you could probably score pretty well with 1.f3? and 2.Kf2. Even though these first two moves are terrible, the fact is both you and your opponent will make lots of bigger errors throughout the course of the game that will render the first two moves meaningless.

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My record shows a definite bias in favor of White.

White W36 D3 L10
Black W27 D4 L12

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I'm about 50-50, my won loss record is somewhat on the "winny" side, maybe Dr Scribbles is right since GM's seem to do better with white.

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Wow! I'll stop looking for Rod to pop out with a dialog then.

I never considered some of the ideas here. 2 Ultra-GMs at a game, the move possibily allowing White to win. This would mean Black really never equalized. It seems to me, with perfect play, it would be draw after draw. But what do I know, I'm no where near an expert, well maybe in that one dream with the.... I digress.

Thanks for the ideas and the replies

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Where's that dang button? I can't find it. The one that shows the win/loss breakdown of white/black games.


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My performace

White 13 3 6
Black 13 4 10
Total 26 7 16

At level less than 2200 ELO. It doesnt matter if one plays black or white. the tilt towards white is seem mostly at GM level.
At that level every half move counts.
At our level(1500-1900) we easily lose a tempo or two but still manage to do well, same way we dont capitalise on opponents lost tempos.
At GM level White =win Black =draw.
Some higher level players may also post.

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Originally posted by Bbbumpy

Where's that dang button? I can't find it. The one that shows the win/loss breakdown of white/black games.

In My Home, go to My home and then My perfromance.

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I'm quite UNbalanced. My doctors have been telling me this for years. ๐Ÿ˜‰

White 48 2 62
Black 63 3 53

Total 111 5 115

Of course there are some 'no contest' games in there, with timeouts or resignations because someone disappeared on me or had too many games, but from memory the extra wins are slightly biased to white and the balance is even more off if I take those games out.

As to why I prefer playing black so much, I think it's my personality. I'm much happier responding to someone else's actions than creating my own from scratch in lots of situations, not just chess.

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My wins with white and black are pretty equal. I did notice, however, a disturbing tendency to lose to higher rated players and win against lower ones. Statistically, the higher the rating, the more I tended to lose, and what was more curious, the fewer moves it took to enforce my capitulation. This is something I will have to examine closely. has anyone experience the same phenomenon?

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