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Is Cheater1 finally gone now??

Is Cheater1 finally gone now??

Only Chess

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Originally posted by dirtysniper
This from cheater1's my space:
"As you all should know, I am a PAID internet troll. Sometimes the owners of the site enlist my services to boost traffic, and sometimes actual advertisers on that site pay me."
Paid Troll?

Seems to me that there are plenty of people about who do it for free. Why would a site pay anyone. This guy has serious problems dealing with reality.

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There is no such thing as a 'paid troll' Site owners have better things to do with their money than pay for such nonsense. Mental sickness has been a human condition for as long as humans and their forerunners have existed, corrective treatments including suitable medications are often seen as the best form of assistance for people who are frequently or always unable to see the difference between pure fantasy and reality,and similar conditions.However if persons such as cheater 1 are unwilling or unable to make use of such treatments,it is a sad fact that they very often go unassisted,and unassistable,such is life.:'(

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I find it odd cheater1 says " When I came to that chess site I actually felt like Kasparov playing a spoiled brat Class C player. Rank amateurs." when
refering to RHP. Cheater1 never played a game on RHP , I challenged him a few times , even PM him with an invite to a game, and never received any response.

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Originally posted by dirtysniper
I find it odd cheater1 says " When I came to that chess site I actually felt like Kasparov playing a spoiled brat Class C player. Rank amateurs." when
refering to RHP. Cheater1 never played a game on RHP , I challenged him a few times , even PM him with an invite to a game, and never received any response.
that is because everything he says is just plain nonsense... ha he even says he can win every debate HA! you only win a debate if the other part ends up agreing with you, not just shuting up...

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We may not yet have heard the last of cheater1,like V.D. it has a habit of returning just when you thought it was gone for good[not speaking from personal experience!]Boredom and poor responses elsewhere I suspect will eventually drive it back here to give us even more of his gems of wisdom.Let us simply hope that it will be quite some time before the written nonsense returns to plague us again??😴

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