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Is the Kings Gambit busted?

Is the Kings Gambit busted?

Only Chess


26 Aug 07
04 Aug 08
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what incredible twists and turns, after 5.Ne5 black apparently has a plethora of replies, for example, 5...d5; 5...d6; 5...Nc6; 5...Bg7; 5...h5; and 5...Nf6, which is apparently the 'Berlin variation', looks like the Berlin variation of the Ruy, maybe our German cousins in the coffee shops liked this move, anyhow, its black's main continuation in this variation, attacking the pawn at e4 while still reserving the possibilities ...d7-d6 and ...d7-d5.

Now White has the choice between 6.Bc4, 6.Nxg4 and 6.d4. The intrepid Squelchbelch chooses 6.Bc4, (i best be careful with my adjectives some people can be sensitive), the Anderssen gambit, if i am not mistaken, black can reply, 6...d5 7.exd5 (7...Bg7; 7...Bd6), and this is indeed what happens, 6...d5, 7.exd5 and black replies 7..Bd6 after which we could have entered the 'rice gambit', after the game I Rice, J M Hanham, new york 1898, with the move 8.0-0, however, white chooses to protect his knight and then castle, thank you Squelchbelch for very interesting and encouraging game in that a humble 1400 can give you stronger players a challenge, regards robbie carrobie (ultra patzer of the universe).

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