Originally posted by tomtom232When playing against an inexperienced player, try to reach a position where en passant is allowed. When he is confuse by your move, ask one of the spectators to confirm that it is, in fact, a legal move. Now is your chance. Make an illegal move and claim that it is in fact legal too. Since you were right about the first thing he will assume the you are right about this too. Human nature.
I once convinced somebody that you could move a pawn twice on it's second move if you didn't do so on it's first move.
Originally posted by moteutschQastling
'joke'? This is no Joke. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qastling
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21:03, 22 October 2008 Anthony.bradbury (Talk | contribs) deleted "Qastling" ‎ (G3: Vandalism)
Good one.😉
Originally posted by kNIGHTHEADHe already knew it was a joke and you were making an ass out of yourself by insulting him. I do not feel like a fool but you should. You should learn from this and move on.
ahum...Now when you read this,
we will see who really feels and looks like a fool, simultaneously
Originally posted by kNIGHTHEADOkay, lets consider that argument. What have I done to make an ass of myself? I have not insulted anybody whereas you have. I didn't assume that Fabian had no clue when you did. That is an error in thining lad, to act like what you believe is true is in fact true without checking the facts.
The person that is really making an ass of himself is actually, you.........
Old thread, but a little while back in a game on here my queen was where the rook starts out; I "Qastled" and the board let me do it!! I think I lost the game because I was trying to see if it worked instead of playing properly. Unfortunately, I think it was passing through check so couldn't try it out. I'm almost certain it would have been an illegal move anyway, but the board let me "Qastle".