Originally posted by National Master Dale [fen]rn1qkb1r/ppp1pppp/5n2/4b3/3P1B2/2N5/PPP2KPP/R2Q1BNR[/fen] Ok now its black to move. I wonder if Greenpawn will play ...e5 now
Zelnick is playing for both sides. Is that legal?
Originally posted by AThousandYoung ...Bg4 [fen]rn1qkb1r/ppp1pppp/5n2/8/3P1Bb1/2N5/PPP2KPP/R2Q1BNR[/fen]
7. Be2
Originally posted by rking00 [fen]rn1qkb1r/ppp1pppp/5n2/8/3P1Bb1/2N5/PPP1BKPP/R2Q2NR b kq - 0 7 [/fen] 7. Be2
oops, looks like someone beat me to it
*off topic..this site is kinda confusing. Where do I go to play someone. new to chess really interested.
Hi. I think this site is the least confusing out all the other chess playing sites on the net. It's why I'm here. Go to 'Open Invites' and take on 6 guys. play guys under 1400 if you can.
Originally posted by greenpawn34 Hi. I think this site is the least confusing out all the other chess playing sites on the net. It's why I'm here. Go to 'Open Invites' and take on 6 guys. play guys under 1400 if you can.
7. Nf3 e6
8...Bd6 Now I'm just a patzer and all, but it looks to me like white is screwed...
White has a lotta pieces developed not all of them but many hopefully soon white will have all of his pieces employed.
Originally posted by DivGradCurl 8...Bd6 Now I'm just a patzer and all, but it looks to me like white is screwed...
Originally posted by clandarkfire Naw...Especially when you consider that anyone can come along and ruin a winning position with one move. 9.Qd2
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