I think this counts as a mating combination, from move 33 onwards.
I sac a pawn & rook to force mate
Game 2973560
Originally posted by SquelchbelchI think that counts as a combination too. π
I think this counts as a mating combination, from move 33 onwards.
I sac a pawn & rook to force mate
Game 2973560
One of the nicest combinations I've seen was from Galaxy Shield. For me it came from nowhere. If I knew the link to the particular game i would post it!
Originally posted by SquelchbelchI like the finish as the eventual checkmate is with a pawn.
I think this counts as a mating combination, from move 33 onwards.
I sac a pawn & rook to force mate
Game 2973560
I've always been pleased with this game: Game 944781. The combination starts on move 19. Ne6, the point of it is that I'm threatening 21. Qxh7+ Kxh7 22. Rh3# and black has to give up the exchange to prevent it.
Originally posted by adam warlockOuch. Yeah move 10-13 would be considered a combination in my opinion. I have to say i think i would have fell prey too that move to if i was playing you. Nice job, adam. Keep it up! π
I know we can't comment on games that are in progress, but this is my real first combination and I'm kinda proud of myself.
I've just wanted to know if it was any good and had some real soundness in it.
And of course I'm ready to wait for the dust to settle to hear your voices.
Game 3347405
Edit: I know my opening moves were really crappy, but I seem to not have a grip on 1.d4 π
I like your move 24-25, also. Nice combination rook+bishop skewer attack against his rook.
If you keep making moves like these i doubt you will stay a 1100 rated player for very long, for sure. π
-- Paul
after 10 dxc4 if he had taken the pawn with his bishop instead you could have then moved your knight to c6(move 11) triple attacking his pinned knight. Still winning either his knight or rook, i think. If he took your c6 knight with his knight threatening your queen you could just exchange queens giving check then your next move takes his a1 rook. And you're ahead still. A win, win situation.
Originally posted by adam warlockYou're right. A move is only a mistake if the other side does something about it...so you did a good job there.
That's right. But i had to see I could win his rook and how to win it. And at my level that can cust a little bit.
I think you're forgetting that when we know a little bit more, your case, it's hard to value what less skilled players see.
I see that a lot when less experienced players post their games. Most of the comments are straight bashing and do ...[text shortened]... ing to build up the other guy's chess. This wasn't the case now but it does happens a lot.
Originally posted by adam warlockHere's a reason why you shouldn't open up your castle position early in the game.
I know we can't comment on games that are in progress, but this is my real first combination and I'm kinda proud of myself.
I've just wanted to know if it was any good and had some real soundness in it.
And of course I'm ready to wait for the dust to settle to hear your voices.
Game 3347405
Edit: I know my opening moves were really crappy, but I seem to not have a grip on 1.d4 π
I sacrifice my knight to put him in check with my queen. When he moves his queen, it lets me bring in my other knight which leaves him with very few options. I like this win.
Game 2953897
Here also Game 2919938 move number 20.
Also here Game 3059024 move 21.
I like this, there others but example and i happy from them. π
Originally posted by MarsNCaissaHuh?
do you know how to play chess? if so, do you know what you are talking about when you talk about chess?
Please define "combination" to me, rather than just criticisingπ
My definition was just done off-the-cuff, put in simple terms that I understand.
Let's see what Wiki says:
"A combination is a relatively long sequence of moves, often initiated by a sacrifice, which leaves the opponent few options and results in tangible gain.
At most points in a chess game, each player has several reasonable options from which to choose, which makes it difficult to plan ahead except in strategic terms.
Combinations, in contrast to the norm, are sufficiently forcing that one can calculate exactly how advantage will be achieved against any defense. Indeed, it is usually necessary to see several moves ahead in exact detail before launching a combination, or else the initial sacrifice would not be undertaken."
So, since the initial sacrifice or sequence of moves frequently involves an attack on the king - ie check/fork etc, all the elements from my definition remain accurate.