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My win against 1700s (fluke)

My win against 1700s (fluke)

Only Chess

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My win against an 1800...best ever win and a rare event for me so must celebrate!
My opponent had about 90 games on the go whilst I had just 2 - this helped!

I need to go through this carefully but I think my move 25 - pushing the d pawn
proved critical. Once the opponent was on the back foot I found it quite hard. It took some
time before I found a way to make any real progress, but once I did - it was pretty tactical.
They seemed to hang on until I showed I had undoubtedly calculated the win.

Any comments welcome.

I've the white pieces:

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Originally posted by Mahout
My win against an 1800...best ever win and a rare event for me so must celebrate!
My opponent had about 90 games on the go whilst I had just 2 - this helped!

I need to go through this carefully but I think my move 25 - pushing the d pawn
proved critical. Once the opponent was on the back foot I found it quite hard. It took some
time before I found a wa . Rh7g7 Kb6b5 58. Kd4e5 Kb5a4 59. Ke5f6 Ka4xa3
60. Rg7xg6 1-0[/pgn]
nice game.

I went through the game with the computer, and I don't want to ruin things 🙂, but you've missed a forced win with around move 25. actually this would make a nice puzzle, so maybe you should try to find it yourself.

white to move and win:

also, 28...a5 would've trapped your bishop, they've missed it.

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I quickly had a look at Mahout's game and didn't see the trap for Bishop. It is interesting that is seems so obvious now that you showed it 🙂
So I must practice more tactics on CTS.

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Originally posted by philidor position
nice game.

I went through the game with the computer, and I don't want to ruin things 🙂, but you've missed a forced win with around move 25. actually this would make a nice puzzle, so maybe you should try to find it yourself.

white to move and win:

[fen]4r1k1/p2n2pp/1p1B1pb1/q3p3/3P4/P3Q2P/4BPP1/2R3K1 w - - 0 25[/fen]

also, 28...a5 would've trapped your bishop, they've missed it.
Thanks for the tip...I'll go at it without the silicon to start with.

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Iv'e been beaten by players 1 or 200 below me a few times but the same players have at one stage reached a rating ive never got to, so it can be deceiving .

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What trap?

25.Bc4 Bf7
26.Bb4 --traps Black Queen?

I'm not sure what would happen after:
26.... pxp exposing the white Queen.

It's entirely different playing the game and picking it apart after the fact.
Regardless, the outcome would have not changes.

Great game!

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