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Names For Chess Games

Names For Chess Games

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blunderer of pawns

Rhode (not an)Island

17 Apr 04
19 Sep 04
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Originally posted by paultopia
I dunno: I think it's kind of a cool concept. Especially if one has the ability to laugh at oneself. For example: what would you name the following? Game 645343 (Apart, that is, from "PAUL YOU IDIOT!"😉

Perhaps "How dare he refute my brilliant bishop sac by taking my queen?"
This may be off-topic in this thread, Paul, but I think 28.Qf5 would have been absolutely brutal!


18 Sep 04
19 Sep 04
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Allright, here we go. here's a few. Whoever said the one in this thread about "Rook gets in my eyes" had the right idea. That was excellent, and I'm surprised I didn't think of it!

Basicly, you can use puns (paronomasia) alot, to create catchy names.

The knights are especially adaptable to this. For ex., ""help me make it through the knights"", or" "Dances with Knights"" (I used that one for a Knights Tango opening)

heres more:""Mac The Knight"", ""The Knightly News"", ""Knight Bites"", ""Knight On A Hot Tin Roof"", ""Twisted Knights"", ""Naughty But Knights"", ""Stop Draggin My Knight Around"", "Knightro Glycerine"", ""And To All A Good Knight"', ""FrankenKnight"" (That particular one was used for a game where the opponents knight had become a monster, literally monopolizing the board from a good posted square), ""Boogie Knights"", Knights On Broadway"", ""Knight Fantasies"", ""A Knight in The King's Court"", ""Who Let That Knight Out Of His Cage?"", "'Knight Mares"", "'Angel Knight"", ""I love A Rainy Knight"", "'Every Knight Has His day"", . Or, you don't have to use the word "'Knight"'. Instead, you could call the game"'How Horses Mate"", "'Horses from Hell"",

You don't have to use knights. How about rooks? ""Ruff Rooks"", ""Cast Your Rooks To The Wind"", "'Crumbling Castles"", "Please Don't Feed The Rooks"", ""Rooks Of A Lethal Nature"", "'""Take My Rooks, Please!"", (O.K., I didn't create that one. I believe it was the name of a chess book. Anyway, you could use bishops: "'Bad Bad Leroy Bishop"", or pawns, "'Hey Buddy, Can You Spare A Pawn?"" "'Pawn Pie"', ""Where Little Pawns Go When They Grow up"", ""Pawn Shop"", ""And All The Pawns You Can Possibly eat!"", etc.

"'How About The Theme Of Checkmate?: I Mate, Therefore I Am"", ""Mate Bait"", ""The Urge To Mate"", "'Symphony In Checkmate Minor"', ""Nothing Up My Sleeve, Checkmate!"", ""Don't Mate Us, We'll Mate You"", ""VegoMATEic"", ""Mother Of All Mates""

Or tactics: ""The Vanishing Queen Trick"", ""Use the Fork Luke!"", (Hey, that sounds like the punch line to a joke I haven't yet written!) ""Windmills Of Your Mind"" (Yes there was a song like that once, and there IS a rare tactic called the windmill)

Ever been mated in a corner cramped in amoung your helpless pieces? Then ""Crunchmate"" might fit the bill. "Or, ""Smothercation"",

Ever have an opponent copy all your moves till you blow him away? How about "Mirror Mirror"?

We all have been involved in a draw. "'Taking Drawing lessons"", or ""Droll Little Draw""

You could go generic: ""it's A King Thing"", ""Brain Game"", "'And The chess God's Smiled"" (Or GODDESS, If You Prefer To be Accurate).

You can copy popular sayings: ""Chess Is Like A box Of Chocolates""

I have a ton more, if you are not allready throwing up from reading this far. But the point is, i just have fun with this. It's like an added brain puzzle or teaser to come up with a name after the game is over. it PERSONALIZES that game. It gives your mind a ""handle"" on it, whereas, without a name, many games would slip into obscurity in your mind. The name brings it back at a glance! (Yup. I use score sheets and record all games in a binder. Someday, when I'm gone, my family will get it so they can show my great grandkids and say, ""See the dumb chess move your Grandpa made!""

Anyway, as far as narcissism, about the only time I ever bother to look in a mirror is in the morning when I brush my teeth, and shave my ugly mug. So then, with that in mind, i suppost about 95% of us reading this are narcissistic. so I would appreciate it if others on the forum would not judge me with a "'knee jerk"" reaction. Like running into a block of ice for me. Truth is, I don't want to sell books to anybody here, and I certainly won't solicit in that manner. Why can't people give the new guy a break instead of rushing to judgement and conclusions and bashing him on the head before he has a chance to even figure out how the **** site works?? All I want is a little sodality. Geesh. Besides, if I wanted to sell books, would I have given THAT MUCH away as I just did?

O.K. Now I feel better. (NOT!) If you got a kick out of those chess game titles, let me know, and I'll post more.


Arizona, USA

15 Jun 04
19 Sep 04
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And if folk music counts, there is 'Where Have All the Bishops Gone?"


18 Sep 04
19 Sep 04
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Hey, you got the right idea!

Great Big Stees

In Check

12 Mar 04
22 Sep 04
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Originally posted by kingisdead
Hey, you got the right idea!
How about Fat Bottom Girls by Queen?


18 Sep 04
22 Sep 04
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If it works for you and you like it, then go for it! here's a few more:"I Hate Mate", "The Lopez Loop", "No talk, All Action", "One Cold Dark Knight", "Checkmate May Be Hazardous to your King's Health", "The Edge Of Knight", "When Two Rooks Collide", "Crash And Burn", "Never Met A King I didn't Mate", "Rooks Rumble", "Can You Say Checmate, Boys And Girls?", "Two Rooks Doin' It In The Middle Of The Board", "All That Glitters", "Making The Enemy Suffer", "Mate Date", "King And His Pawns Are soon Parted", "Brain wars", "Hunter And The Hunted", "Run Away, Run Away, Little King, Little King", "ElectroMate", "Throw The King A Bone", "The Blade", "911", "Smarter Than the Average Knight", "The Kind Of Mate That Mom Used To Make", "When Kings Tremble", "King On A Stick", "Dueling Monarchs", "Bash", "Down Came The House Of Black", "Robbing Peter To Pay Pawns", "Line In The Sand", "We Ought To Stop Meeting Like This...I Think My Queen Is Getting Suspicious"etc., etc., etc.

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