Just a quick question for the person who originally started this thread.... You said you're looking for an opening against 1.e4.....well, what do you play against 1.d4? If you tell us that (giving us an idea of what type of positions you like to play), perhaps I'd have a better idea of what to tell you.
In my opinion, it really doesn't matter at all what 'theory' (or anyone else!) says about an opening...if you're comfortable with the types of position then it'll be fine for you (at any level up to 2200 or so).
To prove my point, I recently took up the modern ('Tiger's modern' to be more precise, which is probably the most hair-raising and chaotic opening that I've ever come across!!). And....I LOVE it in over-the-board play. EVERY time I play it, I get that thrill of doing something excessively heroic (and I've come to realize that the 'holey-moley...what-beautiful-mess' adrenaline rush I get......ISN'T shared my my opponents who just get the 'what-a-mess' part ;-)
Originally posted by Dutch Defense1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 f5
that won't kill me.
The Philidor Counter Gambit has been one of my babies since I was young...but only play it if your tactics are very good.
And I think yours are considering your defensive skills in our game..one can only assume the other should be pretty well developed.
I recommended this opening just a few days ago to someone I beat and he used it very suprisingly saying basically the tactics just opened up themselves.
Originally posted by scandiumUnfortunately, it can have. Since we are allowed to use databases and they are packed with super grandmaster games - it stands to reason that playing the same lines as strong masters will take you a fair way through the game before you have to start thinking for yourself.
As to 1... e5, who cares what Super GMs are playing? Seriously. What a 2600 level player is opening with has absolutely no bearing on anything outside of Super GM level chess.
Originally posted by TyrannosauruschexAnd then leave you high-and-dry when your opponent deviates from the line on move 17 and you have no frickin' clue what the point behind all this was.
Unfortunately, it can have. Since we are allowed to use databases and they are packed with super grandmaster games - it stands to reason that playing the same lines as strong masters will take you a fair way through the game before you have to start thinking for yourself.
Originally posted by Dutch DefenseEXACTLY. What did I tell you, you played the opening wrong and white smoked your ass for it. e5 is bad too, because you blocked your bishop in. You can take my suggestions or not.
Game 4298258 Just got smoked :'(