Originally posted by monteirofWhite won the game on move 26.... before blacks blunder i'd say things were equal.
sometimes i have a maniac obsession on capturing the queen.... this one just drove me from a completely winning position to a certain loss
Game 3963658
so I'm not sure I understand where Black threw away the easy win....
maybe "completely winning position" is too much, but black was better until move 12, a good sequence would've been 12... Bxd2+ 13.Kxd2 Qd6 14. Bd3 g6
we would be even on material, but black would be in a better position
but i think white was already winning after 14. Qxh7+, my king was being chased all over the board and that cost me a knight.... but definetely a couple of blunders later made things pretty easy for white