Originally posted by petrosianpupilThe debate has drifted.
If you are a non subscriber and can only play 6 games. It can be very frustrating to play through long enivitable endgame wins with opponents that take ages to move.
Is it a case of tough luck pay the money or should you politely try to encourage your opponent to do the noble deed and fall on his sword?
Generally when I played matches I would play on when really I shouldn't as I am an optimist, so I don't want to be a hypocrite.
The fact is that the time controls, and the rules of chess, mean a player can legitimately play on despite being in a completely lost position.
That doesn't make it good etiquette. It is plain disrespectful, unless you are playing at a level where blunders are common. This is very different from fighting on in a position that may be recoverable with a stroke of genius of course.
I have found that many players who do this don't seem to know what a 'lost' position is, in which case I guess you can't blame them. I for one resign when I believe the game is unrecoverable GIVEN THE NATURE OF MY OPPONENT. This to me is good etiquette, and is the unwritten rule at the highest level.
As someone pointed out, the only way to control this on RHP is to select time controls that suit your style.