Originally posted by EmLaskerI was going by this.
barack obama as white, and McCain as black XD
I think that since Obama is half white he can go either way on white or black. McCain is afraid of losing at the hands of the blacks, so he's playing on the black side to drum up support. When you play like this, though, they'll see right through you.
Not how I would have expected the game to go...more along the following lines:
1. Obama would open with 1e4 because it tends to be more dynamic and flashy.
2. McCain would reply with a Caro-Kann (or as my friend Badwater said, a Caro-Cain) because it is solid and boring, but reliable.
3. Obama would continue to make exciting, flashy looking moves with no substance, probably some early Qh5 type of stuff.
4. McCain would reply with boring, defensive moves that do nothing to exploit the weaknesses of Obama's approach.
5. Obama would eventually win the game, after having a small but consistent lead throughout that McCain did nothing to actively try to dispute.
6. Obama's supporters would claim that he had done something close to miraculous in his remarkable achivement, while McCain's supporters would sit around not sure if they should be angry with their man, or trying to google up photo-shopped photos of their would be Vice President.
7. In 4 years none of it matters because whoever wins is a 1 termer due to the fact that the US and World economy are headed into the toilet anyway.
Originally posted by Maxwell SmartDifferent subject, but I've always wanted to pair opening style with historic generals or leaders.
Not how I would have expected the game to go...more along the following lines:
1. Obama would open with 1e4 because it tends to be more dynamic and flashy.
2. McCain would reply with a Caro-Kann (or as my friend Badwater said, a Caro-Cain) because it is solid and boring, but reliable.
3. Obama would continue to make exciting, flashy looking mo s a 1 termer due to the fact that the US and World economy are headed into the toilet anyway.
For example:
1. Brig. Gen. Irvin McDowell commanded untrained volunteers in the first battle of bull run. He expected to overwhelm P.G.T. Beauregard's inferior army of lesser men, but reinforcements were rushed to the site by train to equalize the forces. So, let's place this battle on the chessboard. McDowell is playing the white pieces. He moved directly to his target at Manassas, so he would have played 1. e4 But his actions are too slow. He is manipulating his pieces much like you expect from a player in 1861. His mentor is Adolf Anderssen. Beauregard, on the other hand, has studied the game of Paul Morphy. He understands the importance of piece development. It would have been a Spanish Opening.
2. Winfield Scott would have played 1. d4 because of his Anaconda Plan.
3. Nathan Bedford Forrest would have played the Sicilian Najdorf, but preferred the white pieces as demonstrated by his actions at Fort Pillow.
I think McCain had to start two pawns down- one for the slanted media and another for George W. Truth be told, however, I am a registered Republican, but I want the next U.S. President to be intelligent and McCain doesn't seem to have much of it. Also, while a lot of rhetoric spills out of Obama - I find him to be quite inspiring and much easier to rally behind. Hope and intelligence - what a novel concept🙂
Originally posted by bdog22222 Rooks down actually -one for the colapse of Wall Street and one his excursion to Iraq;
I think McCain had to start two pawns down- one for the slanted media and another for George W. Truth be told, however, I am a registered Republican, but I want the next U.S. President to be intelligent and McCain doesn't seem to have much of it. Also, while a lot of rhetoric spills out of Obama - I find him to be quite inspiring and much easier to rally behind. Hope and intelligence - what a novel concept🙂