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Old age and chess strength

Old age and chess strength

Only Chess

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i didnt play chess for 15 years.... i keep wondering what my rating wudve been had i not stopped all those years ago.. i average 1450 now.. in my country u dont walk into a chess player everyday... if REDHOTPAWN existed then... i wouldve nver stopped...

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i came to realize that when i watch old boxing fights.. no matter how good Ali or Tyson was , they were shamed by younger guys.. i know boxing is physical, but i think every sport has his time limit.. some shorter some longer... Jack Nicklaus still made young golfers sweat when he was over 60


@paul-leggett said
I was going to share some thoughts on how my chess has evolved as I have gotten older, but I forgot what I was going to say...
You're losing brain cells by the minute. That is why I intend to use up my entire time bank on you and gamble that my brain cells have been pickled by enough brandy to keep firing longer than yours.


@carlo-troy-mavusa said
i came to realize that when i watch old boxing fights.. no matter how good Ali or Tyson was , they were shamed by younger guys.. i know boxing is physical, but i think every sport has his time limit.. some shorter some longer... Jack Nicklaus still made young golfers sweat when he was over 60
I imagine the brain as being like the r.a.m on a computer.
Lots of little boxes with bits of knowledge inside them.
As the brain gets older the boxes fill up not unlike a computers r.a.m.
There's allsorts of rubbish in there which you will never have to use again but it's still in there.
Consequently, when you need to retrieve something it takes that much longer to find becuase there's more little boxes to look in before you get to the right one.
I used to do music quizzes and get the answers in no time.
Nowadays it takes me much longer to get to the answers


Age surely does have an effect.
Now, if I see a decent move, I often get the feeling that years ago, I'd have seen it much more quickly Also, obvious blunders occur more frequently. But I do admit, I don't pore over the games the way once did (on real board so moves can be made quicker)

S'Ok. I still love to play. Meet people. It's cool.

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@venda i once read it would take a human brain 1.4 million years to get full... like no storage place left on a USB stick ... could this be true ?



@Anderssen Sadler and Regan's "Chess for Life" is a must read if you are interested in chess and ageing. I liked the interviews with Pia Cramling and Keith Arkell in particular. I started playing chess OTB again last year after a long break. I am in my mid-fifties and just an average club player and my solution has been to try and learn very safe solid openings and focus my studies on endgames.


@redlentils said
@Anderssen Sadler and Regan's "Chess for Life" is a must read if you are interested in chess and ageing. I liked the interviews with Pia Cramling and Keith Arkell in particular. I started playing chess OTB again last year after a long break. I am in my mid-fifties and just an average club player and my solution has been to try and learn very safe solid openings and focus my studies on endgames.
I own and have read the book, and can second what redlentils claims.

It is an excellent book, and in particular the chapter on Tiviakov and his Scandinavian has been a model for my Scandinavian games on the site. Those two combined have in turn made the ...Qd6 Scandi a very effective OTB weapon for me as well.

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@carlo-troy-mavusa said
@venda i once read it would take a human brain 1.4 million years to get full... like no storage place left on a USB stick ... could this be true ?

I suppose it really all depends on how a brain is "wired up"
Why are some people good with numbers while others are good at art for example?
I once new a Downs syndrome lad who could do jigsaws in no time without even looking at the picture!
Getting back to the age thing we have a finite number of brain cells which die as we age(not to mention what we kill by drinking alchohol).
I suppose this could mean when we need to find things in those little boxes there's less workers to send out on the quest.
I may be talking utter drivel.
If so i'm sure someone will tell me!!

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