On the board vs online

On the board vs online

Only Chess


10 May 09
08 Jan 12

Hello all,

I'm used to playing chess almost exclusively online. I'm dying for more OTB experience but there are no chess clubs in my area and I can't find any players. It really sucks.

I imagine it's a different game OTB if you're only used to 2-dimenstions. Does anyone play on Yahoo? I don't know how the calculations work, but my RHP rating is always about 200-250 points higher than my Yahoo rating. Why is that?

Lately I've been beating high 1300's and low 1400's on Yahoo, and that's actually pretty good for me. Here's my last game. I'm playing white.

she'll be right mate


07 Sep 10
08 Jan 12

I used to play OTB a lot with a few mates.(since moved on in different directions) i started playing here(rhp) to play with a mate when we reconnected on facebook.
i find i make a lot of simple mistakes playing 2 dimension chess,but that is improving as i have cut my game load and concentrating more .
but most of my games have been played on computer game boards.as i live in rural Australia and finding playing partners is well just none existent.

but i find i see the game better OTB than i do with online chess


07 Jan 12
09 Jan 12
1 edit

I found that when i still played chess (recently picked it up again 🙂) the best thing that happened to improving my chess game were these books :

My System -Nimzowitz
The Art of the Middle Game -Aagard
Think like a grandmaster -panov
Endgame Manual -Dvoretsky
Experts VS the Sicilian -Aagard (opening book, but a good one 🙂

I treated them as work books and carefully played all the examples irl and it boosted my online and onboard chess game to 1800 🙂

Pale Blue Dot

22 Jul 07
09 Jan 12

Originally posted by Fozzil
I found that when i still played chess (recently picked it up again 🙂) the best thing that happened to improving my chess game were these books :

My System -Nimzowitz
The Art of the Middle Game -Aagard
Think like a grandmaster -panov
Endgame Manual -Dvoretsky
Experts VS the Sicilian -Aagard (opening book, but a good one 🙂

I treated them as work bo ...[text shortened]... carefully played all the examples irl and it boosted my online and onboard chess game to 1800 🙂
Don't you mean The Art of the Middle Game by Keres and Kotov and Think Like a Grandmaster by Kotov?

Good books, by the way. Especially the first one. There's a very good section by Kotov on pawn storms.

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
09 Jan 12

Originally posted by Fozzil
I found that when i still played chess (recently picked it up again 🙂) the best thing that happened to improving my chess game were these books :

My System -Nimzowitz
The Art of the Middle Game -Aagard
Think like a grandmaster -panov
Endgame Manual -Dvoretsky
Experts VS the Sicilian -Aagard (opening book, but a good one 🙂

I treated them as work bo ...[text shortened]... carefully played all the examples irl and it boosted my online and onboard chess game to 1800 🙂
Experts v. the Sicilian is pretty advanced and thick for a non-experienced player. The others are excellent.



22 Dec 05
09 Jan 12
2 edits

In the game the OP posted, I wanted to note that White should've played 17.Qxg6+ with probably a better if not winning position (I think Black's kingside threats can be handled.) White missed it again on move 18.


10 May 09
09 Jan 12

Originally posted by chesskid001
In the game the OP posted, I wanted to note that White should've played 17.Qxg6+ with probably a better if not winning position (I think Black's kingside threats can be handled.) White missed it again on move 18.
Ouch! I missed that. And hilariously I left myself open to the same exact attack on myself that I looking to pull on him!

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
10 Jan 12
1 edit

Originally posted by USArmyParatrooper
Hello all,

I'm used to playing chess almost exclusively online. I'm dying for more OTB experience but there are no chess clubs in my area and I can't find any players. It really sucks.

I imagine it's a different game OTB if you're only used to 2-dimenstions. Does anyone play on Yahoo? I don't know how the calculations work, but my RHP ratin
16. Qc2 Qd7
17. Kh2 Qe7
18. Rae1 Qxh4+
19. Kg1 Qh1# 0-1[/pgn]
For you on move 18 I would have played Qxg6+ instead of 18.Rae1.

P.S. You will need to get used to playing with a chess clock so you
do not do like I did the first tournament I entered. I moved and my
opponent was taking forever to respond with his first move. So I
finally got up and went to the bathroom and when I came back he
still had not moved. After awhile I looked at the clock and saw my
clock was running. I then hit the clock to start his and he moved
immediately. I guess he was just going to let me lose on time. I
eventually won the game anyway. You will also have to write the
moves down as you go. This is required in case the pieces get
knocked over or there is some dispute about a draw claim, etc.


10 May 09
10 Jan 12

Originally posted by RJHinds
For you on move 18 I would have played Qxg6+ instead of 18.Rae1.
I misspoke, I was actually playing black.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
10 Jan 12

Originally posted by USArmyParatrooper
I misspoke, I was actually playing black.
In that case he had a chance to win a pawn on you. That still may
have not been enough for him to win, but you would have a more
difficult time. His move turned out to be a big mistake.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
10 Jan 12

I found a better move for you as black. Instead of 17...Qe7, try 17...Qg4
for that way you guard your g6 pawn and can still take the rook pawn if he
makes that bad rook move.


10 May 09
10 Jan 12

Originally posted by RJHinds
I found a better move for you as black. Instead of 17...Qe7, try 17...Qg4
for that way you guard your g6 pawn and can still take the rook pawn if he
makes that bad rook move.
Thank you. I don't know how I miss these things. That, and the fact that he had the same bishop pin on me that I had on him.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
10 Jan 12
4 edits

Originally posted by USArmyParatrooper
Thank you. I don't know how I miss these things. That, and the fact that he had the same bishop pin on me that I had on him.
My first chess club was in Virginia when I had duty a the Pentagon.
It was every wednesday evening from 1800 - 2400 hrs in a church.
They had a locker where all the chess equipment was stored when
not in use. We all had to pay chess dues and join the USCF and
we played rated games among other members, the results were
sent into the USCF to be included on there rating lists, which was
published once a year in their magazine that we received monthly.
I guess that is the same way they do it now. I haven't played any
USCF rated games in a long time but on the USCF website they
still have me listed with my last rating of 1817. I am like you for
there are no chess clubs in my area. The one in Virginia was very
good for while I was still there the Eastern Open Champion at
that time gave a simultaneous exhibition which I played and lost.
His name was Muzon I believe. He wasn't well know but we did
have GM Larry Evans come and give an exhibition and I lost to
him too. If you are not that familiar with the old chess players,
he was US Chess Champion 4 or 5 times and helped World Champion
Bobby Fischer with his first match against Boris Spasky. He also
wrote several chess books and helped Bobby Fischer with his book,
My 60 Memorable Games. My best tournament result was the
last time I played USCF rated games at the World Open held in
Philadelphia that year. I finished with a three-way tie for first and
received the only money I ever won from chess. I did not play
in the main open group because I would have never had a chance
against all those masters and GMs. I played in a lower group that
was based on your USCF rating at the time. The closest USCF chess
club to me now is about 100 miles away. After I became 65 and
retired my daughter told me about this site since she knew I would
need something to keep me busy that I enjoyed. I find it much
easier to play good chess here than OTB because you can clik on
the analyze board and move the pieces around first before making
your move on the main board. In OTB chess, if you just touch one
of your pieces, without notifying your opponent that you are just
adjusting the piece, you must move that piece somewhere if it is
possible. I recommend you study chess tactics and get use to
seeing the ideas before you play in a tournament. I have two
books that you can get on Amazon.com that will help you. They
are "Learn Chess Tactics" by John Nunn and Improving Your Chess
Tactics by Yakov Neishtadt. Don't forget that your opponent may
be moving to set up a chess tactic too that you must guard against.
I have lost many games by being mated one move before I was
about to mate my opponent because I was too interested I my
plan and did not spend enough time thinking about what he was
up to.

P.S. How do you make that board with your game appear on your
post? Thank you.


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
10 Jan 12

Originally posted by RJHinds
My first chess club was in Virginia when I had duty a the Pentagon.
It was every wednesday evening from 1800 - 2400 hrs in a church.
They had a locker where all the chess equipment was stored when
not in use. We all had to pay chess dues and join the USCF and
we played rated games among other members, the results were
sent into the USCF to be included ...[text shortened]... too interested I my
plan and did not spend enough time thinking about what he was
up to.
Do my eyes deceive me? Ronald in the chess forum?!

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
10 Jan 12
1 edit

Originally posted by Proper Knob
Do my eyes deceive me? Ronald in the chess forum?!
Yes, that is right. I decided to take a look and saw an army buddy
that I might be able to help. But I am not going to help you.
So forget about it. 😀

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