Originally posted by watchyourbackrankI'm a big KID fan, but this is a game that leaves my database at move 10 with White having a better than normal plus. There are some blitz hiccups, but White was winning after 15. gxh6, and only the blunder altered the outcome.
My 2000+ opponent surprisingly had no idea of how to play the white side of a King's Indian.
[pgn][Event "RHP Blitz rated"]
[Site "www.redhotpawn.com"]
[Date "2011.7.9"]
[Round "?"]
[White "aetheon"]
[Black "watchyourbackrank"]
[Result "0-1"]
1. Ng1-f3 g7-g6 2. d2-d4 Bf8-g7 3. c2-c4 Ng8-f6 4. Nb1-c3 d7-d6 5. e2-e4 O-O 6. Bf1-d3 Nb8-d7 7 ...[text shortened]... 16. Nf3-h2 Qd8-h4 17. Nh2xg4 Qh4xg4 18. a4-a5 f4-f3 19. g2-g3 Qg4-h3 0-1
Black was more inferior than normal for most of the game, and I think it would be more accurate to describe the title as "Stealing a game from a 2000+ in 4 min blitz." At blitz, a win is a win.
I think one of the attractions of chess at a rapid pace is the possibility of sudden, dramatic changes of fortune, and this is one of those games!
Originally posted by Paul LeggettI don't think white was better. He resolved the tension in the center with the early d5 and it was clearly me who had the clearer plan.
I'm a big KID fan, but this is a game that leaves my database at move 10 with White having a better than normal plus. There are some blitz hiccups, but White was winning after 15. gxh6, and only the blunder altered the outcome.
Black was more inferior than normal for most of the game, and I think it would be more accurate to describe the title as "S ...[text shortened]... ce is the possibility of sudden, dramatic changes of fortune, and this is one of those games!
My h6 move was silly. thought i had to make space for Qh4. should just have played Bg4 instead. had he played f3 instead of a5?? in the end black is still having dangerous attack (push the g-pawn - rook in h-file)
18.f3 and white was at least equal, if not better. But I would prefer 18.Rfd1 to answer 18. ... f3 with Bf1. That bishop is blocked by its own pawns so why not give it a useful task? The idea to follow on with a5 is a good one. I prefer white. And in any case, I would not conclude from this game that white has no idea about how to cope with Kings Indian.
10 Jul 11
Originally posted by watchyourbackrankI believe it is clear only to you, unfortunately. The only true answer is to continue to play like that and let the results take you where they will.
I don't think white was better. He resolved the tension in the center with the early d5 and it was clearly me who had the clearer plan.
My h6 move was silly. thought i had to make space for Qh4. should just have played Bg4 instead. had he played f3 instead of a5?? in the end black is still having dangerous attack (push the g-pawn - rook in h-file)
Originally posted by Paul Leggettat the end of the day we can agree that we cannot all agree. that's (part of) what makes chess such a beautiful game, right?
I believe it is clear only to you, unfortunately. The only true answer is to continue to play like that and let the results take you where they will.