Originally posted by black beetlesouthern succotash!!, yours saything nuthin, why you long eared flea bitten rodent galoot!
Hah, I xplain nuffin! Las time h tried it I got stuck in the mid-del foh three days an countin; now is alla bout Sicilian (if we 're luckynough to avoid them transpotitions, that is);
Originally posted by schakuhrthanks my friend, things are a little clearer, 2...d6 is ok, it seems fairly flexible and quite solid, however that bishop belongs on g7, no question about it, now i know that it will be difficult to persuade the people of the merits of 2..g6, therefore i will compromise and hope for some type of dragon, i know 2..d6 can lead to the dragon, but apparently its a long and winding road if we survive through Yugoslavia, therefore, i want to go accelerated, therefore 2..Nc6 is the move.
If you play 2. ..Nc6 you've already committed that knight. You might want to put it on d7 in some lines. On the other hand, if you play 2. ..e6, it's certain you won't employ the c8-bishop on the c8-h3 diagonal in the future. On the other hand, the d7-pawn is almost always placed on d6. In some sicilian lines it'll be advanced to d5, but if you do this imme ...[text shortened]... n some sicilian lines (where it ends up on e7 or somewhere else along the a3-f8 diagonal).
2..Nc6 for Robbie.