Originally posted by ParShooter41. Rxf3
How about rolling the dice on
38 ..Rxd4.
39 cxd4, Nxf3
40 Rxf7+, Kg8
41Rxa7, Nxf5.
Now we rush the g and h pawns down to promotion. White will have to move his rook off of the 7th rank which means we can get our king into the pawn march. Our knight threatens white's d pawn and can harass his rook and king on their way to the g and h file.
Or are we happy with a draw?
Originally posted by Macposorry didn't know, guess you had to tell them right?
He would be in a better position I guess...
To daniel, this is a somewhat special game, a "consultation game" where the forum plays against Pawn riot for fun. So the mods do not need to intervene, though the game is not finished