I don't mind it. I used to play it a little, but that was long ago. However I do play KID in a very similar way as I used to play Philidor's defense, e.g.
Game 1296218
The theme is to use Black's open e file as well as White's lack of a d-Pawn to attack White's e-Pawn. White lacking a d-Pawn means I can plant a Knight on c5 - unless he pushes b4, which I find highly annoying. Generally people don't make this push however.
Originally posted by sundown316yeah, i never played it yet here in the website but i play it against outside of the web.
Actually,he never played it all,as far as they can tell. There are about 60-70 games of his on record,and no practical examples. All he did was analyze it,and then only the variation named after him:1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 f5?! And it's Philador,not Philidor.
Originally posted by sundown316I don't know where you got this idea, but every chess resource I have spells it Philidor.
Actually,he never played it all,as far as they can tell. There are about 60-70 games of his on record,and no practical examples. All he did was analyze it,and then only the variation named after him:1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 f5?! And it's Philador,not Philidor.
I am actually a major advocate of the Philidor. I particularly like the Larsen Variation. 1. e4 e5. 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 exd4. 4. Nxd4 g6.
As a shamless plug, here is a section of my web blog discussing the Philidor when the key 3. d4 is not played.
Hello all this is my first post here so bare with me.
I have been looking at some gambit ideas for black in the philidor. Thanks to Tim McGrew and his gambit cartel articles. The one i am currently enjoying is this
1.e4 e5
2.nf3 d6
3.d4 bg4?!
I know what you guys are thinking this looks pretty crazy as Morphys famous operabox game started like this but bear with me a little longer.
4.dxe4 Nd7!?
This is the improvement. The idea is to give up the d pawn for a modest lead in development.
5.exd6 Bxd6
And from here on some crazy ness starts. It might not be 100% sound as i have discovered with a lot of at home analysis but it will give you a lot of points if you study it.
Some of my games have gone amazingly well. And the ones I lost had nothing to do with the opening. But rather some shoddy tactics.
So take a look and check out the chess cafe for the gambit cartel. You can download all of his articles in adobe format and i think youll like what you read. Sadly Mr. McGrew is a little to busy to keep writing them. But never the less i would recomend them all for a fresh look on chess over all.