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Pleasing positional sacrifice

Pleasing positional sacrifice

Only Chess

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Originally posted by RJHinds
What did that music have to do with chess?
It was to get you in the mood to express yourself , chess is the art of self expression.

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Originally posted by Paul Leggett
Uh, Robbie, that's not chocolate...
One shudders to think . . . . 😛


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The post that was quoted here has been removed
an internet forum is a very cumbersome vehicle for self expression me thinks Duchess,
so often not only is it difficult to fully express oneself with clarity, often we reply to a
perception of what the intent of the writer was saying rather than what they actually
said, it seems like i owe you another apology, at this rate, i would be as well as
including a disclaimer to every post 🙂 You should become my chess teacher, I learned
Urdu from a lady teacher and became fairly proficient, I can learn chess from one too.


Originally posted by robbie carrobie
not needed? when Morphy sacked his queen although it was 'not needed', did the people claim that it was not a positional sacrifice, nay, they were glad for the spectacle!
You can rest assured that whenever Morphy sacced anything, people of the time cheered the spectacular tactics. Position was not in fashion back then.



Originally posted by robbie carrobie
its my mission to return to the romanticism in chess, Philador has spoiled it all with his emphasis on pawns being the soul of chess, pawns are nada, we must play the most aesthetically pleasing moves, we are chess arteests, we have no time for control freaks, we play the most daring moves just because we can
Surely you are correct in all that - which is exactly why what you played was not a positional, boring, strategic sacrifice but a tactical one!


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Originally posted by Shallow Blue
You can rest assured that whenever Morphy sacced anything, people of the time cheered the spectacular tactics. Position was not in fashion back then.

Morphy was the first positional player - Richard Reti

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Originally posted by Shallow Blue
Surely you are correct in all that - which is exactly why what you played was not a positional, boring, strategic sacrifice but a tactical one!

My friend, is a passed pawn a positional aspect or a tactical one?

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