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Post rating and Experiance

Post rating and Experiance

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I`ve been playing about 16 years.

RHP rating - 2172
FIDE ELO - 2158
Latvia rating - 2282
Latvia fast play rating (with control 25 min and less) - 2227
blitz - 2338
bullet - 2142

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Originally posted by Korch
I`ve been playing about 16 years.

RHP rating - 2172
FIDE ELO - 2158
Latvia rating - 2282
Latvia fast play rating (with control 25 min and less) - 2227
Did you start seriously right away? How long did it take to you to reach 1800, but OTB? Is achieving 2000 OTB within 4-5 years insane goal if you have 2 hours daily for chess?

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Originally posted by ivan2908
Did you start seriously right away? How long did it take to you to reach 1800, but OTB? Is achieving 2000 OTB within 4-5 years insane goal if you have 2 hours daily for chess?
I`ve started when I was 8. More or less seriously I started from 15 (9 years ago). 1800 in which rating system?

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In FIDE, because I do not believe in internet ratings that much...


I mean I do not believe in my internet ratings, it is too approximative.

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Originally posted by ivan2908
In FIDE, because I do not believe in internet ratings.
I think such level I`ve reached when i was 15-16.

Because starting from 8 (when I begun to play) I have been played chess very regular (and also have been studied some books irregular)

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Thanks allot for the replies!

I hope to reach 1800 at 365 days experiance, O.o

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I've just completed my second USCF year, and my rating currently stands at 1385 regular, 1299 quick.

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Originally posted by Ian Coetzee
Thanks allot for the replies!

I hope to reach 1800 at 365 days experiance, O.o
it's a bit unrealistic schedule, but I think it might still be possible. but I also think you don't even begin to realize the amount of work it would take. the kind of amount that will most likely burn you out.

you probably need a coach for it too. to stop you from doing stuff that's not giving most bang for the buck. it doesn't matter how much you study if you study the wrong things.

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Ian Coetzee it is realistic for someone who is learning as fast as you to reach 1800. in one year it maye be possible to get that high but i find it somewhat unrealistic. i was going at the same pace as you were when just starting off and i hit 1300 within like 3 months and 1400 within 5 all of a sudden i hit a brick wall. the ammount someone has to learn to get from 1400 to 1800 is a mountian load. i find it more satisfying trying to get up 50 more points than i have been before and keep going from there. also start playing a certain rated people then as they become easier keep playing harder while studying why you lost the games. you'll eventually reach it if enough study is put through. good luck.

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It is quite easy to get to 1500-1600. You can possibly do that on natural ability alone but above that you start meeting opponents who understand strategy and tactics and know the openings and how to win endgames.

If you screw up the opening and / or don't know what sort of endgame wins (and how to win it) nothing will get you above that level and studying openings and endgames as well as improving strategy and tactics is hard work. It takes time but the younger you are and the sooner you start the easier it is.

After playing 43 years it gets much harder. I learn, improve, get a few good results then (before I know it) slip back into the bad old ways and make the same stupid careless mistakes over and over again. Unlearning your bad habits is much harder than learning good ones. The trick is don't make the mistake of developing bad habits in the first place.

One day I can apply all my new found knowledge, play like an IM and beat a 2300 but the next I relax, move quickly, forget strategy and sacrifice unsoundly (or just see the tactics I want to see) and lose to a 1500. In closed positions in particular I have this problem - I get frustrated, want to break out and open it up and see things that just aren't there. At my age I am not sure I'll ever break this habit so the answer is to play "open" games - they might be less solid but they suit my style. I am not really learning something new here but am just playing to my strengths or at least avoiding my weaknesses.

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