I don't have a smothered mate to show but instead here's an example of an early smothered Queen situation. White resigned because the combination of threats was too much to overcome. This is a game from chessmaniac..com so I don't have the FEN to post the actual game.
1. d2-d4 Ng8-f6 2. c2-c4 Nb8-c6 3. d4-d5 Nc6-e5 4. b2-b3 e7-e6 5. Bc1-b2 Bf8-b4+ 6. Nb1-d2 Nf6-e4 7. Bb2-c1 Ne5-g4 8. Ng1-h3 Qd8-f6 9. f2-f3 Ng4-e3 0-1
Originally posted by ChessJesteryour wrong about that, if (Rxg8, Nf7 mate) occurred in my above mentioned game
The game onyx2006 posted wasn't exactly a smothered mate.
Smothered mate is where the enemy king is completley surrounded by his own pieces.
Game 2090249
...then it was a smothered mate.
It would be pretty difficult and stupid for the king to surround himself on all four sides.
Have a look for yourself...
From a game on a different server, I was white. Position after move 14...Qc7:
The game itself.
1.c4 f5 2.e4 fxe4 3.d3 Nf6 4.dxe4 e5 5.Bg5 d6 6.Nc3 c6 7.Nf3 Be7 8.Be2 O-O 9.O-O Qc7 10.Rc1 Qd8 11.c5 Qc7 12.cxd6 Qxd6 13.Qb3+ Kh8 14.Rfd1 Qc7 15.Nb5 Qa5 16.Nxe5 cxb5 17.Rxc8 Rxc8 18.Nf7+ Kg8 19.Nh6+ Kh8 20.Qg8+ 1-0
I think that's the only one I've ever got to play.