Originally posted by adramforallAh yes! but the Dragon who recognising the inevitibility of the situation withdraws and concedes rather than sacrifices himself on the alter of expediency, returns another day with renewed vigour and crushes all. He is a very fearsome beast indeed.
Didn't work in 96 cases so far. Only partly worked in 188 cases 😛
Originally posted by greenpawn34User 414450 - P2 W0 D0 L2.
Hey DragonFire
There is guy on here called 'StGeorgeChess' he is going to get you.
I quiver in fear. Let him come!
Originally posted by Dragon FireOK then I summon User 376218
User 414450 - P2 W0 D0 L2.
I quiver in fear. Let him come!
Originally posted by greenpawn34Played 53
OK then I summon User 376218
Won 34
Lost 15
Drawn 4
Is that your boldest Knight?
this thread seems to have morphed into a pokemon type battle. I like it. Being more direct, I will opt for brute force...the kind that can destroy entire planets. User 311159
Originally posted by Sam The ShamThere was a chess club in London, all of whose members were deaf, called Silent Knights. They were anything but silent as they made little grunting and squeaking noises as they communicated with each other.
College chess club I belonged to was called the Knights Of The Living Dead
Originally posted by greenpawn34Yes, but they mouthed words to each other with greatly exaggerated mouth movements (I guess this aided lip reading) and couldn't tell that they were also making grunting and squeaking noises as they did so.
...and squeaking noises as they communicated with each other.
But.....they were deaf??
Also, when they moved their chair they generally wouldn't lift it up but would push is across the floor so that it made a noise like an elephant running its fingernails down a blackboard. Again, because they were deaf they didn't realise this was making a noise.
It looks like the club might still be going:
They have some pretty decent players now by the look of things. When we used to play them their team was composed of one or two players graded around 100 and then ten abject beginners.
Once I was in the pub with several of our players and one of them asked me who I was playing against the next day. "Silent Knights", I replied. "Pardon?". "SILENT KNIGHTS". "What's that?". "SILENT KNIGHTS", I shouted, before realising, halfway through, that we taking the mickey. He was the same guy who helped me choose my very first curry in an Indian restaurant, explained that the "v.v.hot" next to the Phal meant "very mild". How we laughed as I downed glass after glass of water after one spoonful.
In my student days I used to partake of far, far too many vodka and Redbulls (VRB as it was called). This had two unfortunate side effects:
1. I unfortunately felt that I could take on the entire Edinburgh university rugby team in a fight - which was narrowly avoided.
2. My friend then commented that when dancing fueled on this stuff I looked like tigger on vodka and red bull...