Originally posted by paulbuchmanfromficsThat makes me laugh! I tried to play the Larsen Philidor for a bit, but it's very tempermental and touchy, and hard to handle. I ended up getting better and easier versions of what I was trying to accomplish by playing 1. ... g6 instead!
After reading the title to this thread, I almost posted a new thread.
Title: Question for Philidor players
Post: Why?
That said, I have Bauer's book on the Philidor, and there are some strong Pirc/Modern players who get the Philidor from the 1. ...d6, 2. ... Nf6, 3. ... Nbd7, and 4. ... e5 move order, and get good games. It's like a golf club they pull out of their "Pirc Bag" to use on certain holes when the move sequence is favorable.