Only Chess
30 Jul 07
Originally posted by trevor33I'm not sure if this is what you mean but:
after 43 e4 wouldn't black h3 forcing white to kd2. after that h2 and kc2.
then black could kg4 and take whites g pawn and push his h pawn to h2 before white can do anything with a queen?
Kg4 h4
f5 hxg6
and both sides Queen without check. I'm pretty sure that with precise play, black wins anyway...but it seems more complicated than playing c4 instead of h4. In that scenario I think black can queen without letting white queen as well.
Originally posted by Dutch DefenseI need recommendations for this post!!!
Game 3856591
Who do you think wins this game here? I think white should have won but you also have a say in this.