Originally posted by zebanoRight! But more importantly, Black gets control over the dark squares in whites camp. That is why Yasser played Qd2 so after the trade, it is White who has control of the black squares. He accepted the trade but under his conditions.
After Bxh6, Qh4+ wins back the bishop.
Try the other puzzles?
Alright, I'm not quite sure about this, but it's worth a guess.
Yaz plays 8.f3 for three reasons.
1. It seals in black's QB as the only square it can now develop to safely is d7, which does not help black becasue white is in total control of the queenside light squares.
2. It prevents Black's Idea of ...f5 trying to generate kingside counterplay. With f3 the e pawn is adequately defended.
3.It also prevents ...Ng3 after Be3 which would lose tempo for white.
All black's attack has now been blunted as he can not attack the kingside and is struggling to control even the dark squares on the queenside.
8.Be3 allows both....Nd7 ...f5 which gives black at least soem semblance of an attack OR it loses tempo after 8 ...Ng4
Okay, time for another real quickie.
12. 0-0?
Bad because after
13. cxd5 Qb6
and white is either forced to trade queens, losing a developed piece for an undeveloped one and allowing black to play...O-O OR he must sacrifice the b pawn because the queen is pinned and any move to protect the pawn would lose the queen. Even Nd1 is bad because after
14.Nd1 Qxb6+
15.Nxb6 Nc5 threatens the bishop and free's black's bishop as well as links the rooks who can come to the open c-file or support the d-file..
I honestly have no clue if I'm even in the ballaprk here, so I hope I am.
Originally posted by RahimKOkay, last try.
[fen]r2kqr2/1p1b3p/n2Q1pp1/pNnN4/2P1P3/8/PP4PP/1B1RKR2 b - - 0 22[/fen]
After 22.Nb5 why did Black resign. What moves did white have in mind to finish of Black?
Here white would like to play Nc7, forking queen and rook, even after the exchange of knights.
Nc7 followed by a queen move also allows white to discover the rook and use it to pin the bishop and hold the king.
Black can not capture on e4+ becasue of the bishop so conveniently placed on b1.
Originally posted by schakuhrI think there are like 2,3 people who do appreciate this. I'm getting very little comments about these games so what am i suppose to think. After like 3/4 days someone tried to solve the puzzles.
Do you think this isn't appreciated what you are doing, and that noone cares about this?
I recall others posting tactic puzzles and people immedietely solving them even though they were harder then the one i am posting. And there were several people solving them, like around 10 or so. Look at bowmann's chess lessons, he got lots of feedback. Maybe's cus it was just 1 puzzle and not the whole game, or maybe cus he's bowmann and you know what people think of him on this site??
Originally posted by razor2007Nah... try again. White can win the queen.
Okay, last try.
Here white would like to play Nc7, forking queen and rook, even after the exchange of knights.
Nc7 followed by a queen move also allows white to discover the rook and use it to pin the bishop and hold the king.
Black can not capture on e4+ becasue of the bishop so conveniently placed on b1.