User Answers, 5 Users:
1...Bd7 2.Rc7 and Black needs to save his bishop so the b7 pawn will fall.
Rxd7 wins a free bishop.
after 20...Bd7 21 Nxd7 Nxd7 22 Rc7 black is in big trouble, he has to defend the knight which is pinned, but he doesn't have enough resources for that, and white can attack it with all his pieces (Qd2 and Bc5 in case it is necesarry)
about puzzle 1: yes, Qc5! is winning, but don't you think that Nc4! is winning also for white ?
Pulling back the White Rook to d1 frees the White Bishop to join the attack.
20. R(d)d1, Bd7
21. B(f1)b5, BxB
22. QxB (threatening Qe8+)
Can also see Knight fork possibility for White if Black Queen can be forced to move.
Ok Rahim bd7 then rc7 and if rd8 white moves bb5 and wins bishop! also if bishop moves rxq Hope I am right!!!
In the previous puzzle Nc4 is also good as someone mentioned. However, Qc5 is the stronger move. It is not as easy to win for white after Nc4:
1... Rd8 2. Nc4 (2. Qc5) 2... Rxd3 3. Nxb6 Qd8 4. exd3 Qxb6 5. Qxb6 axb6 *
Better to keep material on the board and have an attack still.
The five people on my list are:
Kevin Mcfarland
1 more puzzle left to solve and we can discuss prizes then 🙂
Originally posted by RahimKSolution:
[b]Puzzle 2, Game 4. White has just played 20.Rdd1 . Why can't Black develop his bishop and play 20...Bd7?
[fen]r1b1r1k1/pp2qp1p/1n2p1p1/Q3N3/4P3/6P1/PP3P1P/2RR1BK1 b - - 0 20[/fen]
2 days again.[/b]
20...Bd7?? 21.Nxd7! Nxd7 22.Rc7 pinning the knight. 22...Red8
Remeber the theme? When a piece is pinned keep attacking it
23.Bb5 or Qb5 attacking the knight a third time and winning it.
Originally posted by ShinidokiThat you did along with some other people but you did not send me the solution to the previous one. Thus, I gotta enforce my not on the list policy. It's only fair that way.
did I send a solution to the 20...Bd7 puzzle?
hmmm, anyhow, I've been somewhat busy lately -- psychology coursework and law exams.
Originally posted by RahimKSolutions from 3 🙁 users
[b]Game 4, Puzzle 3. Final puzzle for this game, 2 more days again.
White has just played 24.Qc5! Why did Black resign?
[fen]r1br2k1/pp2qp1p/1n2p1p1/2Q1N3/P3P3/1P4P1/5P1P/2RR1BK1 b - - 0 24[/fen][/b]
Disaster is knocking at the door.
24. ...QxQ 25. R(d1)xR(d8)+, Qf8 26. RxQ
Black's defenses are shattered, White is poised to move in with Knight and second Rook.
black has 2 main options:
1) 24...Qxc5 25. Rxd8+ Qf8 26. Rxf8 Kxf8 26 Rc7 f6 (and after 27 Ng4 ...he can not defend this cramped position anymore...if f5 next Nf6+, K move and f3! and black is in zwgzwang- and if 27...Nd7 28 Bb5 winning)
2) 24...Qf8 , but after 25. Qc7! I do not see any defence for black (Rd8 is met by Bb5 winning the exchange)
Of course, moves like 24...Qf6 or 24...Qg5 are met by Ng4 or f4
Btw, first time when I asked about why he resigned I thought first line is playable, but now I see that black can not develop his pieces at all-zwgzwang if I am not wrong.
after qxq then all blacks pices are pined if the knight moves then the rxb if the bishop moves then rxr and so black is totaly lost. If rxr then qxq and the knight and queen combo will win. Thanks
Originally posted by RahimKSolution
[b]Game 4, Puzzle 3. Final puzzle for this game, 2 more days again.
White has just played 24.Qc5! Why did Black resign?
[fen]r1br2k1/pp2qp1p/1n2p1p1/2Q1N3/P3P3/1P4P1/5P1P/2RR1BK1 b - - 0 24[/fen][/b]
This is similar to the 1st problem.
If 24...Qxc5 25.Rxd8+ Qf8 26.Rxf8+ Kxf8 27.Rc7
White is threatening Rxf7+ as well as a5 winning the knight.
24...Qe8 or Qf8 lead to 25.Rxd8 Qxd8 26.Qc7 threatening f7
Black either trades queens 26...Qxc7 27.Rc7 similar to the above line. White is threatedning Rxf7+ as well as a5 winning the knight
Or black can decline the queen trade and play 26...Qf6 27.a5 winning the knight again.
[b] Game Summary:
Black's opening play led to his defeat. Petrosian was in to much of a hurry to simplify and though that c5 would equalize.
After that, tactics took over and he's rook on a8 and bishop on c8 didn't play any part in the game. It was as if Kasp was up a whole rook and a bishop.
[b]Okay and now for the prizes: Congrads to Kevin Mcfarland, vipiu, and HandyAndy for solving all 7? puzzles and staying on the list. You can pick one of the following prizes:
1. Tactics lecture at FICS.
2. 20 Puzzles from my 1000 La Maza problems I gathered.
3. Opening Analysis: I take all your games, and tell you which openings you did good with and which openings you need to work on. For example:
1.e4 60% for white, 30 games.
So when you had white, you played e4 in 30 of those games and scored 60%.
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 55%, 40 games.
etc.... Of course I will be using a database program to do this.
The three of you PM me back with which prize you want 🙂
[b] We are starting of fresh again. If you want to participate write your name below on the list. I need at least 5 players on the list to continue with these games and at the end there will be prizes once again. As long as you try to solve each puzzle and PM me with the solution, I will leave you on my list.
Last time we started with 15 users and only 3 remained!
Originally posted by RahimKYou are a great teacher, Rahim, even if I am not always such a great pupil! Thanks for sharing your wisdom and giving up so much of your valuable time to help us. It was tricky at times working out moves quickly without using a board, but eventually I learned some important lessons in looking beyond the obvious and thinking outside the box. I was wrong more often than right, but I plan to go back over the thread to sort things out. Thanks again.
[b]Okay and now for the prizes: Congrads to Kevin Mcfarland, vipiu, and HandyAndy for solving all 7? puzzles and staying on the list. You can pick one of the following prizes...
Originally posted by RahimK
[b] We are starting of fresh again. If you want to participate write your name below on the list. I need at least 5 players on the list to continue with these games and at the end there will be prizes once again. As long as you try to solve each puzzle and PM me with the solution, I will leave you on my list.
Last time we started with 15 users and only 3 remained!