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Recommended readings and /or software?

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There 3-4 books those really help me .
Two are:
A book (I thing he wrote another one) of Suetin for opening strategy-I do not remember the title now and the old "the art of defence" by Soltis .
I thing that a good Idea is not only read books but to analyse games of good players..
You can find many chess databases in internet

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thanks, all.. you've given me some good leads to pursue.

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Originally posted by Kevinmccaffery
I'm creeping up on 1500 and would like to more aggressively work on my game. Can anyone please suggest some books that might help me out. For what it's worth... I would say my mid-game is weakest and I haven't formally studied any openings. I will often sacrifice points for position (which probably isn't too sound for someone at my level). I guess tha ...[text shortened]... That said, I'm a quick study and am willing to entertain any thoughts /suggestions. Thanks.
I recently beat several higher rated players on ICC. I fell a surge in chess strengh, and am approaching new rating highs.
how did i do this?
I stoped reading books.
Books are good for beginer, and intermediate level. But the best way for any level of skill, is to get a database, and pour through games,
annotated or not.
I did this for a month, going over classic games, including capablanca, and alekhine, etc.
By going over the whole game, you get a feel for their ideas, and get opening and tactical and endgame ideas as well.

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If I were you OP

I'd actually start with the endgame.

why? because in order to play an effective middle-game YOU MUST PLAY WITH ENDGAME CONSIDERATIONS!

and i'll give you a simple example to prove my point.

Imagine this position.... (and also assume its OTB)

Wte: -K@b4, R@e1, B@e3, N@g5
Blk: - K@e8, R@e2, P@d3, P@a6

White to move....

This position should be completly won by White - Rxe2 dxe2 Bf2 - will transpose to a winning endgame, the two black pawns will be easily snapped off the board and will eventually leave a K+N+B vs. K endgame 1-0

however, You (playing white) look at this postion, but because you never really studied the endgame you don't actually know how to win a B+N+K vs K endgame (and you can't just go off to look it up)

so instead of playing Rxe2 you may infact find yourself forced to play something like Rc1...which allows Rxe3 perhaps allowing black drawing chances. its that or play Rxe2 ans simply offer a draw.

Now this is a simple example, but it illustrates the point - you can crap all over your openant and get yourself a winning position - but if you can't finish it...well, a draw it is.

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Originally posted by Shinidoki
If I were you OP

I'd actually start with the endgame.

why? because in order to play an effective middle-game YOU MUST PLAY WITH ENDGAME CONSIDERATIONS!

and i'll give you a simple example to prove my point.

Imagine this position.... (and also assume its OTB)

Wte: -K@b4, R@e1, B@e3, N@g5
Blk: - K@e8, R@e2, P@d3, P@a6

White to mov ...[text shortened]... nant and get yourself a winning position - but if you can't finish it...well, a draw it is.
I sort of like my plan, right now I'm studying tactics (out of a book, none of this 7 seconds to solve crap like at CTS) and endgames (Pandolfini's Engame Course, seems to get the job done). After this I'll continue on and read The Life and Games of Mikhail Tal--400+ pages of annotated games played by and annotated by Mikhail Tal. Once I finish that I plan on reading "Art of Attack" by Vukovic. So I will have strong tactical, endgame, middle game, and attacking play. Of course, I'll have to study tactics everyday, but my rating will hopefully jump to over 1800 RHP (my goal by Sept.1). The reading will take (at least) that long, but from what I hear it will be well worth it.

BTW--I have taken a look at all of the books I mentioned and recommend buying all of them.

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Originally posted by Shinidoki

why? because in order to play an effective middle-game YOU MUST PLAY WITH ENDGAME CONSIDERATIONS!

and i'll give you a simple example to prove my point.
Thank you Mr. Capablanca! I do suggest a good endgame book, but middlegame play and tactics are also important. The only book recomended that I disagree with is Soltis' Art of Defense. His message was basically buckle down and outhink your opponent. He then had a few annotated games where someone lost position or material early and played all the right moves to draw. I would rate Silmans book as the most beneficial to my game. I also have very high regards for Wieamontry's (forgive my spelling) Best lessons of a Chess coach.

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WoW! making positions is fun.

8/8/4p1k1/2N2q2/8/3B4/6N1/6K1 w - - 0 1

I thought about the example I gave earlier to prove a point, well, now i've posted another one.

good players, and computers will spot the solution in secounds, for the weaker players it might not be so easy.....


again, this is to illustrate understanding endgames is critical, if you ever want to understand the middlegame. - and in the above position, if you do not understand one of the most basic of chess principles then you will fail to solve it.

openings middle-games and Endgames transpose into one another, there is never a single moment where a position goes from middle to end in one move - instead, it is a slow gradual process of transition and it is important to understand that.

Another arguement i'd make for endgame study it the concept of perfect play - some positions can be totally mastered - which will give you an excellent foundation to learn from.

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Originally posted by Shinidoki
WoW! making positions is fun.

8/8/4p1k1/2N2q2/8/3B4/6N1/6K1 w - - 0 1

I thought about the example I gave earlier to prove a point, well, now i've posted another one.

good players, and computers will spot the solution in secounds, for the weaker players it might not be so easy.....


again, this is to illu positions can be totally mastered - which will give you an excellent foundation to learn from.
Hmm, is a board supposed to appear? Because I don't see one. Perhaps the FEN is messed up, or perhaps you didn't post it in the FEN?

Ans: Nh4+, this forks the Queen and the King. Why does this matter when the Queen can already be taken? Because if white takes right now then white can't win, however after 1.Nh4+ Kf6 2.Nxf5 white has a B + N + K v. P + K endgame and can thus force a win.

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Originally posted by cmsMaster
Hmm, is a board supposed to appear? Because I don't see one. Perhaps the FEN is messed up, or perhaps you didn't post it in the FEN?


Ans: Nh4+, this forks the Queen and the King. Why does this matter when the Queen can already be taken? Because if white takes right now then white can't win, however after 1.Nh4+ Kf6 2.Nxf5 white has a B + N + K v. P + K endgame and can thus force a win.
On this computer I have Babas (which can read but not write FEN) and fritz is on the other computer. - which means I don't actually have anything to to write FEN in - internet searches for freeware "tools" do this always come to no avail.

to wirte the "fen" i used the position setup on RHP - blame the site if its acting funny.

as for the puzzle - you awnser is correct, but more importantly, you have made the correct justification.

Now who wouldn't be annoyed if they had spent all that time working their ass off in the middle-game to reach a good position only to lose due to lack of simple understanding??

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