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Originally posted by greenphantom
You cant get out of the clubs yet.

And Robbie we are all a mixture of races my friend nobody is pure, the only thing that is pure is the bull you keep talking about πŸ˜›
haha, sooo funny, what an ultra spangled Muppet! you mongrels south of the border may be a mixture of who knows what, but the Scots by virtue of their Clan names can easily trace their ancestry back and the atrocities and outrages which your nation inflicted on both the Scots and the Irish earned for yourselves a reputation that is not that easily forgotten. That being said there were many things found in you to be worthy of admiration, however they are all but lost, were you not a nation known for your politeness and sense of fair play, now look, a nation of lager louts and a people culturally bereft, I lament for your future!

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If I was Scottish, I'd loathe the English as well... 1.c4 can be quite slow and the Scotch is a more active game


Originally posted by robbie carrobie
haha what a muppet, my lineage is actually Irish, from Donegal infact, and my mother is a Macregor, and actually the didn't teach us about prima nocta at school but i can bet your measly ass there is no Angle, Dane or Saxon in there, pure Celt my friend.
Phew...... can't you just smell the semtex...

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about clubs in general:

I've had enough of the club spams. club leaders, please stop it.

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Originally posted by Hells Caretaker
Phew...... can't you just smell the semtex...
Lol, yeh when Scotland club whips RHP international, then you shall smell the semtex, big time!πŸ˜€

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Originally posted by diskamyl
about clubs in general:

[b]I've had enough of the club spams. club leaders, please stop it.
Interesting point. I feel that every time I send one out but some can't be avoided. For instance to advise re tournies, leagues, consultation games etc.
I reckon over time clubs will lose members for this very reason :'(

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Well I canned the last club I had joined. They also decided to have sub only tournament. I don't need the spam that comes with being a club member especialy when it does not even apply to me.


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Well since I know through tracing back my family tree I have





and Greek

in my genes and thats only the last 200 years you can safely say there is a strong chance I have alot more races in me

If your stupid enough to think your pure Celtic then I pitty you and unlike you I dont have to belittle myself to your level of racist comments to get a cheap laugh.

Go back to school and learn some history and maybe you wont be so clueless as to yours and everyones roots.

We are all a mixture and while there is nothing wrong with being proud of where you live there is a fine line between this and being dam right rude and a racist.

Who do you think you are Rob Roy or something lolπŸ™„

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Originally posted by greenphantom
Well since I know through tracing back my family tree I have





and Greek

in my genes and thats only the last 200 years you can safely say there is a strong chance I have alot more races in me

If your stupid enough to think your pure Celtic then I pitty you and unlike you I dont have to belittle myself to ...[text shortened]... is and being dam right rude and a racist.

Who do you think you are Rob Roy or something lolπŸ™„
Lol, are you any relation to the Green Goblin?

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Lol, are you any relation to the Green Goblin?
With all the races he has had in him probably πŸ™‚

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maybe hes imprisoned in a kind of mirror dimension that's fragmented and thus he finds it difficult to orientate himself and as a result has a distorted sense of reality, i dunno, it certainly was never meant to get this personal.πŸ˜€

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Yeh but the english can be a touchy nation as they have so many hang ups from their past

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I have no hangups lol I love the fact I am a true European!

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Originally posted by greenphantom
I have no hangups lol I love the fact I am a true European!
im telling Spiderman where you are at and hes gonna come and kick your butt😲

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Spiderman is a wimp - maybe the borg would scare me😳

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