I use chessdb also and it's very tricky as far as I'm concerned. I've overwritten games a number of times with it.
The first step is to create a database under File -> New... This is your permenant database. Otherwise I think it saves games in the clipbase, which isn't actually saved.
Once you have that you should be able to import your png files. I ALWAYS select Game -> New Game first because if you don't, it might overwrite the current loaded game which is always the first game in your game list. I'm not sure exactly when it does that, but you should always do Game -> New Game just to be safe.
From a Game History page, you can view the PNG, select it and copy and then load it from Tools -> Import One PNG or if you download a file Tools -> Import File of PNG Games.
For those that can't compile, just download the .rpm or .deb. That worked for me on Ubuntu.
sudo dpkg -i chessdb.deb
Originally posted by firstclownI use Fritz 9 - built in DB, pretty nice.
I use chessdb also and it's very tricky as far as I'm concerned. I've overwritten games a number of times with it.
The first step is to create a database under File -> New... This is your permenant database. Otherwise I think it saves games in the clipbase, which isn't actually saved.
Once you have that you should be able to import your png files. ...[text shortened]... ust download the .rpm or .deb. That worked for me on Ubuntu.
sudo dpkg -i chessdb.deb
Originally posted by deeploserchessdb runs in Linux natively. You don't need wine for it. I run both gnuchess and crafty as analysis engines just fine. What exactly are you having problems with?
I do have jose. I dislike it because sometimes it will run and sometimes it won't. Most of the time it won't. I can run chessdb in wine but I can't use any analysis engines or annotate the games. Kind of sucks because I wanted to run all of my RHP lost games through it.