Originally posted by ih8senshow do you play Bxh7+ when there is a pawn at f5?
actually.. i'm really really good as white against the french... and I totally suck as black.. I usually hope for c4,
sometimes it's good to call the black bluff.
Game 4156659 - This game is the reason I don't like the french... the only reason I play e6 before f5 is because I really want to find a good gambit in the line... I'll probably go excl ...[text shortened]...
edit - about that game I posted... e5 wasn't the blunder... Bxh7+ won for white anyways.
Originally posted by mrjonesvich3216. Qe5+ Qe7 7. Qxe7+ Bxe7 8. Nc3 and white has all the play, black has all the weaknesses.
Hey I have a quick question regarding the Scotch Game. I play this opening whenever I can, but I found that often black would recapture my knight in the middle, which of course I follow by capturing black's knight with my queen, placing it on d4, right smack in the middle of the board. Now I know that technically that's an advantage for me because i ...[text shortened]... Nxd4?
5. Qxd4 c5
I always get really nervous whenever my queen's out early, any ideas?
Originally posted by ih8sensI have to disagree. Your creating a glaring weakness at d5 and d6 for one tempo. White should be able to play Qd3 and have long term pressure. I see absolutely nothing to justify this move.
c5 is best in that position IMO. You gotta pressure that queen, don't let it sit there.