Only Chess
22 Jun 08
You're right. I like the idea of simplifying the board when you're ahead. But my way will also leave you with a passed pawn on the a file and the opponent only having a queen to defend it (king is all the way across the board. I imagine getting the queen as well will be inevitable.
I'm curious to know what the right solution is though.
Originally posted by tamuziHe doesn't have to take on h8. He can move the king. The point of Bxe5+ is that the king has to take on h8, since moving the king loses a queen on e5. I think this is the exact position or a similar position to a famous Petrosian-Spassky game.
why not 1. Qa8+ Kg7 2. Qh8+ Kxh8 3. Nxf7+ kg8(g7) 4. kxd6
No need to sac the bishop 😕