Only Chess
12 Mar 07
anyway, being a novice, I would be tempted to try to get the rook involved by moving it up to the fourth rank, and picking off the pawn after Nf6 and then Nh(whichever square was protected by pawn)
but that's just because i'm a novice and i'm at school, and I have to leave for class right now, so I can't think too much about your puzzle
good bye
Originally posted by ivan2908
This is my first (pretty primitive) chess problem. White to move! What happens? Please, higher rated players, I know that you are familiar with the anwser if you look only for a second. Let the lower rated players reply 🙂[fen]8/4q3/1rpnpn2/1pk1Kbb1/1pp1pp2/8/3P4/4r3 w - - 0 1[/fen]
White to move and win. 🙂