Originally posted by greenpawn34Okay; I think I got it.
I'll try to get right board. (got it - phew).
New rule - if you are going to post a position for people
to look at then fen it.
1. Bd5!
Black has the following 5 legal moves:
1... Kxd3; then 2. Nc5#
1... Kf3; then 2. Nf6#
1... Nh5; then 2. Nc5#
1... Nxe8; then 2. Rg3#
1... Ne6; then 2. Rg3#
The key here is that all of blacks pieces except the kind and knight are locked down and can't move.
Originally posted by Heroic MetoolHey; you did that edit after I posted mine. 🙂
Yeah, didn't notice that one. 🙁
1. Bd5
1. ... Kf3 2. Nf6#
1. ... Kd3 2. Nc5#
1. ... fxe4 2. Qh3#
1. ... Nxe8 2. Rg3#
1. ... Ne6 2. Rg3#
1. ... Nh5 2. Nc5#
I don't have a board right here, so I might have missed something. Not sure.
I played it out... it works
Hmm, working on the Kf3 escape first...
How about Bd5 targeting f3 and unblocking Re8-e3 and Qc8-h3.
Yes, looks like the move. It's zugwang - no mate until Black moves.
...Kf3 2. Nf6++
...Kxd3 2. Nc5++
...fxe4 2. Qh3++
...Ne6 2.Rg3++ (must be why the R is on g8)
...Nxe8 2.Rg3++
...Nh5 2. Nc5++
Now, what did I miss...