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Sometimes Chess makes me want to cry....

Sometimes Chess makes me want to cry....

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Originally posted by Yuga
Yes, 27...Qb6 with the idea Bf8 I think just wins a piece. (if Nc4, RxQ, NxQ, RxR, KxR, pxN; if Qb5 Rxd)

28...c3 looks good but I am not sure if there is anything definitive...

33...Bh6 wins the exchange + h pawn and the N is not in position to support a pawn push to f7 (cannot easily access d6).

But superb play through 26 moves to give yourself these ...[text shortened]... I have no idea what happens after Bxf8 or understand the subtleties of this opening. Nice game!
Thanks a lot. Yeah those are the most important improvements in the middlegame. 28...c3 is actually winning for Black as well after 29. Qxc3 e4 30. Qe3 Be5!, a move that's pretty tough to find over the board two moves in I think. The big killer was that ...Kf7 instead of ...Kg7 basically threw the game away! As far as what happens after Bxf8, Qxf8 threatens Bh6, and once White deals with that, then Black will just play Qb4, Rb8, etc...and just have great compensation.

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