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Originally posted by kumanotchi
nobody asked what ur idea was Mr owlhead...do you feel left out?im all ears - please let us kno
nope... to the left out part that is...


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back for a second day at laughing at this 😵

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Thread 67850.

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this is so amusing 🙂

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Originally posted by kumanotchi
I wonder if anyone can assist with an odd occurance on Game 3631631

I imagined I had my opponent in check mate, but the game still awaits his move?

I doubt he can continue playin and would like to know how he could get out of the predicament I put him in?

any suggestions 🙂
I suggest you wait until your opponent makes his next move. I see as of now it's still the same with no move. Who knows, maybe he won't realize your brilliant move and will blunder. By the way, if it's checkmate the program will automatically say it is. You don't have to claim it.

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He has to be able to move a piece because stale mate only occurs when the king is left alone on the board wif nowhere to move or the other pieces like pawns etc cant move...right??....obviously there is a move there and whites not going to be happy!!

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Originally posted by IceKing
He has to be able to move a piece because stale mate only occurs when the king is left alone on the board wif nowhere to move or the other pieces like pawns etc cant move...right??....obviously there is a move there and whites not going to be happy!!
There might be other pieces on board while it's stalemate, they just don't have any moves.

For example:
Black to move

Reached in 10 moves. 1.c4 h5 2.h4 a5 3.Qa4 Ra6 4.Qxa5 Rah6 5.Qxc7 f6 6.Qxd7+ Kf7
7.Qxb7 Qd3 8.Qxb8 Qh7 9.Qxc8 Kg6 10.Qe6 1/2-1/2

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Originally posted by Mad Rook
Uhhh, wacha meen by that reemark? I'd spen somm mor time trien to figger it out, but I'm fixin' ta go plow the back forty. If ah could jes figger out how ta open this here back door ta git outta tha house...
tick tock

Black has 19 days and 25 minutes of timebank remaining.

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Originally posted by kumanotchi
I wonder if anyone can assist with an odd occurance on Game 3631631

I imagined I had my opponent in check mate, but the game still awaits his move?

I doubt he can continue playin and would like to know how he could get out of the predicament I put him in?

any suggestions 🙂
Hey kumanotchi,

It takes awhile to figure out all the ins and outs of chess at first. Ignore the rude and mean people here. They forget what it was like when they first started playing and before they improved and learned all the ins and outs of chess. You don't deserve disrespect from anyone.
Some people like taking the low road.
Others (probably much fewer though) take the high road. Treating people kindly, encouraging and with respect.
You will probably encounter people like this (low road) often in life.
Feel sorry for them. It has nothing to do with you. They treat everyone like that.

In the beginning i would probably have not understood what the solution to this would be either. Don't feel embarrassed about not seeing the answer though. It could happen to anybody that is just starting to learn chess. RHP rules says i cannot comment on games in progress though so i can't tell you what his next move is though, sorry about that. If he doesn't figure it out though I'd gladly tell you after game is done.

Good luck in all your other games, Kumanotchi ! 🙂
God Bless.

-- Paul

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Originally posted by Pavlo87
Hey kumanotchi,

It takes awhile to figure out all the ins and outs of chess at first. Ignore the rude and mean people here. They forget what it was like when they first started playing and before they improved and learned all the ins and outs of chess. You don't deserve disrespect from anyone.
Some people like taking the low road.
Others (probably muc game is done.

Good luck in all your other games, Kumanotchi ! 🙂
God Bless.

-- Paul
I remember some of my first games. I wanted to say check so bad that in my first game I said check when I attacked the queen. When we would promote a pawn we just started moving the newly empowered pawn and laugh about it. We would play 1. h4 then 2. Rh3 or 1. g3 just to see the King Rook taken from the board. We would play for awhile and discover that the king was in check and have to go back a few moves and resume play. We would never resign. Well almost never. We did not have a experienced player to show us how to play. All we had was a chess set and the knowledge of the rules of play. I do not know why some players act like they never were a beginner player.

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Originally posted by gambit3
I remember some of my first games. I wanted to say check so bad that in my first game I said check when I attacked the queen. When we would promote a pawn we just started moving the newly empowered pawn and laugh about it. We would play 1. h4 then 2. Rh3 or 1. g3 just to see the King Rook taken from the board. We would play for awhile and discover that the k ...[text shortened]... of the rules of play. I do not know why some players act like they never were a beginner player.
Once I played chess at a café in Paris. My French wasn't good at those times. I was invited to a game of the players who sat there and played.

I was surprised that they used some rules totally unknown to me.
One was a special rule for the pawns in their first move.
Another was that you can't mate if you didn't actually say 'cheque aux roi' when I checked the king. If I forgot, then he didn't have to move his king.
Even when you threatened the queen, you had to say 'cheque a la dame' or else you couldn't take the queen.
There was not special rule for the rook or other pieces as I was aware of.

I don't know if they knew the rules of castling, en passant, or stalemate. They didn't use those moves anyway. So when I had the chance of doing e.p. did I dare?

My level of communiation in French was very low at that time, but I was invited to a game anyway. The language of chess is universal, but it has its dialects, as I became aware of.

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