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Suicide Chess

Suicide Chess

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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Thanks for your questions. I'll answer them as soon as jertamev and vivify post any they may have (Tuesday latest).
Note: Typical Questions with Answers rescheduled to this weekend. Suicide Chess is a nice change of pace on Red Hot Pawn.

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"Chess can be described as the movement of pieces eating one another." -Marcel Duchamp @schlecter

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I think I would be over 2000 in suicidal chess. I suppose we could unrated but not sure how we could increase in rates, verrry important in my case to accomplish the life time ambition of at least, go over 1500. ๐Ÿ˜ž

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Flower04, jertamev, vivify, Tabitha Marshall please send a Personal Message if you're still interested in Suicide Chess.


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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby (OP)
Suicide Chess By Edward Scimia, Chess Expert

"Try to think back to the days when you first started playing chess. You'll likely remember games where you virtually gave your pieces away to your opponent; before you knew it, your opponent had all your pieces, and your poor king was left all alone (and was likely soon checkmated).

In suicide ...[text shortened]... played online correspondence Suicide Chess? If so, I'd appreciate any tips on strategy and tactics.
Suicide Chess By Edward Scimia, Chess Expert

"Try to think back to the days when you first started playing chess. You'll likely remember games where you virtually gave your pieces away to your opponent; before you knew it, your opponent had all your pieces, and your poor king was left all alone (and was likely soon checkmated).

In suicide chess, this nightmare situation is actually the goal of the game! The object is to lose all of your pieces, leaving yourself with nothing left on the board [except for the Kings in our online correspondence chess games here, since RHP Chess game format support interface protocols prohibit the capture of a King]. It's easy to understand why this game is often called "antichess," as all of the normal rules of strategy and tactics are turned on their head. Suicide chess is one of the most popular family of chess variants around, with several different versions of the game being played around the world and on online chess servers.

In suicide chess, your pieces will move and capture just as they do in a regular chess game. However, there is one critical rule that drastically changes how the game is played: if a capture is available to you, then you must capture one of your opponent's pieces. It is often the case that you'll have the option to capture more than one of your opponent's pieces…”

1) Captures are compulsory when normal chess rules permit the capture.

2) The highest value friendly piece able to capture must capture its highest available hostile piece.

3) When there is more than one choice of same value friendly piece available for performing capture, the piece most recently moved performs the capturing.

4) When there is more than one choice of a hostile piece to capture of equal value, the one most recently moved is to be captured. Material Value: Pawn=1; Knight and Bishop=3; Rook=5; Queen=9; King=non applicable.

5) All of the above subject to normal chess game rules legal moves.

6) Winning the Game Point: Losing all 15 pieces and pawns and or promoted pieces wins the game.

7) All promotions must be to Queen unless legally impossible (and I do not see how that could be so).

8) Castling is not allowed since it's virtually always a defensive move and therefore not useful.

9) A player whose king is checkmated wins the point for the game.

10) A player who's king is stalemated also wins the point for the game.

11) The normal 3 times repetition and 50 move draw rules apply as normal.

12) All other drawn game conditions are also as chess normal game rules including en passant.

13) As a matter of strategy, Queens should move as early as possible to get captured.

14) Coaching Prompts: To avoid any confusion in our first few games, I’ll simply message all compulsory moves (cm) and all those that are not compulsory but optional moves (om) for both colors in which we will both make our own choices.

15) Each of our Suicide Chess Games here will conclude with an Offer and Acceptance of a Draw to eliminate the archived contradiction of an apparently won game [most material advantage] being permanently recorded as a resignation.

16) All Suicide Chess Games are Unrated, otherwise the lower rated player would benefit disproportionately in each game.

17) Records: Keep score of your win, loss and draw standings by opponent a note pad updated with In Game Messages.

Note: These seventeen helpful comments have been paraphrased from my experienced and insightful opponent/mentor Recuvic's in-game message notes with his permission. By the way, we've completed seven Suicide Chess Games of which he won the point by losing five with one draw and a lucky loss won point for me. Please ask all questions here before we begin for the benefit of all prospective players. Thanks for your interest. I look forward to committing Chess Suicide with you.

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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
[b]Suicide Chess By Edward Scimia, Chess Expert

"Try to think back to the days when you first started playing chess. You'll likely remember games where you virtually gave your pieces away to your opponent; before you knew it, your opponent had all your pieces, and your poor king was left all alone (and was likely soon checkmated).

In suic ...[text shortened]... tive players. Thanks for your interest. I look forward to committing Chess Suicide with you.[/b]
Interesting, I think it would be necessary to use the rules you listed above here, since kings can't be taken on the RHP interface, but whenever I've played suicide chess we've played by different rules:

1) If a capture can be made it must be made.
2) It is entirely at the players discretion which piece they capture and with what.
3) The normal rules for the king do not apply, it can move into check.
4) The king has no more significance than any other piece.
5) The player to run out of all 16 bits first wins.
6) Castling is allowed.
7) Promotion can be to whatever piece one likes.

As I said, for practical reasons I agree with the rules you listed, but I'm curious are suicide chess rules standardized?

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Originally posted by DeepThought
Interesting, I think it would be necessary to use the rules you listed above here, since kings can't be taken on the RHP interface, but whenever I've played suicide chess we've played by different rules:

1) If a capture can be made it must be made.
2) It is entirely at the players discretion which piece they capture and with what.
3) The normal rule ...[text shortened]... reasons I agree with the rules you listed, but I'm curious are suicide chess rules standardized?
Originally posted by DeepThought
As I said, for practical reasons I agree with the rules you listed, but I'm curious are suicide chess rules standardized?

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby (OP)
Suicide Chess By Edward Scimia, Chess Expert
"... In suicide chess, this nightmare situation is actually the goal of the game! The object is to lose all of your pieces, leaving yourself with nothing left on the board. It's easy to understand why this game is often called "antichess," as all of the normal rules of strategy and tactics are turned on their head. Suicide chess is one of the most popular family of chess variants around, with several different versions of the game being played around the world..."

According to Edward Scimia, Chess Expert, "several different versions of the game being played around the world..." Game?

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Originally posted by DeepThought
Interesting, I think it would be necessary to use the rules you listed above here, since kings can't be taken on the RHP interface, but whenever I've played suicide chess we've played by different rules:

1) If a capture can be made it must be made.
2) It is entirely at the players discretion which piece they capture and with what.
3) The normal rules f reasons I agree with the rules you listed, but I'm curious are suicide chess rules standardized?
DeepThought, here's a further paraphrased answer to your question: "... I'm curious are suicide chess rules standardized?" from In Game conversation with my opponent/mentor Recuvic: 'There are no standardized rules or modes of play. Suicide chess has dozens of self made up variations; it is merely a matter of mutual agreement before all games commence. Certain specific rules must be in place for playing suicide chess on Red Hot Pawn as the program will not allow illegal chess moves in any circumstances. OTB rules will allow for Kings to be removed from board and all kinds of otherwise illegal chess moves. The idea of compulsory captures and other self made rules for RHP play are merely a matter of preference just as they are OTB, so long as no normal chess play rules are violated you can adapt suicide chess to suit all players.'

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random chess 960-unlimited tournament Thread 160595

"... Player pairings are unbiased and arranged by the date of rhp registration , oldest registrations playing next oldest rhp registration with no regard to rhp ratings until all 16 players are paired. Additional players are welcomed and invited to play after commencement of 16 player tournament. They will play in pairs in order of their request to join our tournament. All games are unrated. The time out settings are to be 3 days per move with a 7 day time bank...Thank you for your interest and your eagerly awaited participation!" Recuvic

"New Game
Create a New Game

Set Piece Game
New Game Starting Position

Fischer Random Start" <--- "random chess 960"

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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
random chess 960-unlimited tournament Thread 160595

"... Player pairings are unbiased and arranged by the date of rhp registration , oldest registrations playing next oldest rhp registration with no regard to rhp ratings until all 16 players are paired. Additional players are welcomed and invited to play after commencement of 16 pla ...[text shortened]...
Set Piece Game
New Game Starting Position

Fischer Random Start" <--- "random chess 960"
"Random chess 960 has no absolutely preset theoretical opening themes or lines and the rapid development of Q and Rooks is normally highly recommended more so than in normal set up chess, as this can deliver big advantages very early on. Rapid careful forward advance of most pawns is also usually highly desirable with bishops and knights placed behind and among the pawns rather than in front of them, can also attach significant advantages in many positions. The dangers attached thereto are also of course significant. These are merely personal experiences but may be helpful in certain circumstances for players unfamiliar with random chess." ~Recuvic

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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
[b]Suicide Chess By Edward Scimia, Chess Expert

"Try to think back to the days when you first started playing chess. You'll likely remember games where you virtually gave your pieces away to your opponent; before you knew it, your opponent had all your pieces, and your poor king was left all alone (and was likely soon checkmated).

In suicide c ...[text shortened]... yed online correspondence Suicide Chess? If so, I'd appreciate any tips on strategy and tactics.[/b]
Bob, we've been friends for ages. You can't pull the wool over my eyes pal.
You can't pass off these rules as an explanation for your bad moves. ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜€


Originally posted by ChessPraxis
Bob, we've been friends for ages. You can't pull the wool over my eyes pal.
You can't pass off these rules as an explanation for your bad moves. ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜€
"You need not play well, just help your opponent to play badly." -Genrikh Chepukaitis.

Nowadays, GB agrees with GC not CP. lol

God knows I'm glad you're here....


Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Genrikh Chepukaitis
They have shots for that now. ๐Ÿ˜•

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For those who really want to lose big time at chess[losing therefore winning at suicide chess] do not forget to tap in to any of a multitude of available web pages concerning suicide chess. There you will find a complete listing of all opening first moves black and white which are known to be huge errors! You will also see a listing of those moves which are playable! You cannot simply play random moves if you really hope to lose big time! Losers at suicide chess have usually done their homework! Recuvic

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Thread 160595 "Chess960" From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "Chess960 (or Fischer Random Chess) is a variant of chess invented and advocated by former World Chess Champion Bobby Fischer, publicly announced on June 19, 1996 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It employs the same board and pieces as standard chess; however, the starting position of the pieces on the players' home ranks is randomized. The name "Chess960" is derived from the number of possible starting positions. The random setup renders the prospect of obtaining an advantage through the memorization of opening lines impracticable, compelling players to rely on their talent and creativity. Randomizing the main pieces had long been known as Shuffle Chess; however, Chess960 introduces restrictions on the randomization, "preserving the dynamic nature of the game by retaining bishops of opposite colours for each player and the right to castle for both sides", resulting in 960 unique starting positions. In 2008 FIDE added Chess960 to an appendix of the rules of chess.

Why 960 Each bishop can take one of four positions, the queen one of six, and the two knights can assume five or four possible positions respectively. This leaves three open squares which the king and rooks must occupy according to setup stipulations, without choice. This means there are 4×4×6×5×4 = 1920 possible starting positions if the two knights were different in some way. However, the two knights are indistinguishable during play (if swapped, there would be no difference), so the number of distinguishable possible positions is half of 1920, or 1920/2 = 960..."

"History Chess960 is a variant of Shuffle Chess, which had been suggested as early as 1792 with games played as early as 1842. Fischer's modification "imposes certain restrictions, arguably an improvement on the anarchy of the fully randomized game in which one player is almost certain to start at an advantage". Fischer started work on his new version of chess after the 1992 return match with Boris Spassky. The result was the formulation of the rules of Fischerandom Chess in September 1993, introduced formally to the chess public on June 19, 1996 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Fischer's goal was to eliminate what he considered the complete dominance of openings preparation in chess today, replacing it with creativity and talent. His belief about Russians fixing all international games also provided motivation. In a situation where the starting position was random it would be impossible to fix every move of the game. Since the "opening book" for 960 possible opening systems would be too difficult to devote to memory, the players must create every move originally. From the first move, both players must devise original strategies and cannot use well-established patterns. Fischer believed that eliminating memorized book moves would level the playing field." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chess960


Chess960 Quotes

"Teach people to play new chess, right away. Why do you offer them a black and white television set, when there is a set in color?" – Bobby Fischer, in the only meeting with FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, responding to the latter advocating "step by step" changes mindful of the heritage of chess

"Of course, if people do not want to do any work then it is better to start the game from a random position."
– Garry Kasparov

"Chess is already complicated enough." – Vassily Ivanchuk

"If accepted on a professional level, this innovation would mean a return to the golden age of chess: the age of innocence and creativity will return, without us losing any of the essential attractions of the game we love." –Valery Salov (italics mine)

"No more theory means more creativity." – Artur Yusupov

"[...] the play is much improved over traditional chess because you don't need to analyze or memorize any book openings. Therefore, your play becomes truly creative and real." – Svetozar Gligoriฤ‡

"Finally, one is no longer obliged to spend the whole night long troubling oneself with the next opponent's opening moves. The best preparation consists just of sleeping well!" – Péter Lékó

"I tried many different starting positions and all these were somehow very unharmonious. And this is not surprising as in many of these positions there is immediate forced play: the pieces are placed so badly at the start that there is a need to improve their positions in one way only, which decreases the number of choices." – Vladimir Kramnik

"Both players have bad positions." – Helmut Pfleger, commentating on the game Lékó–Adams, Mainz 2001, game 4

"The changes in chess concern the perfection of computers and the breakthrough of high technology. Under this influence the game is losing its charm and reducing more and more the number of creative players. [...] I am a great advocate of Fischer's idea of completely changing the rules of chess, of creating a practically new game. It is the only way out, because then there would be no previous experience on which a machine could be programmed, at least until this new chess itself becomes exhausted. Fischer is a genius and I believe that his project would save the game." – Ljubomir Ljubojeviฤ‡

"I don't know when, but I think we are approaching that [the end of chess] very rapidly. I think we need a change in the rules of chess. For example, I think it would be a good idea to shuffle the first row of the pieces by computer ... and this way you will get rid of all the theory. One reason that computers are strong in chess is that they have access to enormous theory [...] I think if you can turn off the computer's book, which I've done when I've played the computer, they are still rather weak, at least at the opening part of the game, so I think this would be a good improvement, and also just for humans.

It is much better, I think, because chess is becoming more and more simply memorization, because the power of memorization is so tremendous in chess now. Theory is so advanced, it used to be theory to maybe 10 or 15 moves, 18 moves; now, theory is going to 30 moves, 40 moves. I think I saw one game in Informator, the Yugoslav chess publication, where they give an N [theoretical novelty] to a new move, and I recall this new move was around move 50. [...] I think it is true, we are coming to the end of the history of chess with the present rules, but I don't say we have to do away with the present rules. I mean, people can still play, but I think it's time for those who want to start playing on new rules that I think are better." – Bobby Fischer (September 1, 1992) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chess960

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