Originally posted by gambit3Who knows, maybe you're right.
Looking at a database I do not think I would have played 6. .... N d4. I would have played 6. .... d6. The GMs do not seem to prefer 6. ... Nd4.
My usual plan to avoid Sicilian theory as White is to play a crappy move or two very early. Or Paul's suggested 1.d4. 🙂
Originally posted by gambit3yes but the move is still considered theory. As was mentioned in the annotations, other moves at this juncture are also possible, ...d6 is not the only move, although its perhaps the most popular move.
Looking at a database I do not think I would have played 6. .... N d4. I would have played 6. .... d6. The GMs do not seem to prefer 6. ... Nd4.
I think the Closed Sicilian when combined with the GPA (in some lines) can be an effective pair for OTB club play, but is utterly toothless for CC play.
In terms of Robbie's analysis I would suggest he back track to 5.. e6 and look at the more testing 5.. d6 where Black reserves options depending on how White proceeds. If Be3 then Black can either go for the big wedge with e5 or play Rb8 with a quick Q-side expansion.
Originally posted by nimzo5Agreed.
I think the Closed Sicilian when combined with the GPA (in some lines) can be an effective pair for OTB club play, but is utterly toothless for CC play.
In terms of Robbie's analysis I would suggest he back track to 5.. e6 and look at the more testing 5.. d6 where Black reserves options depending on how White proceeds. If Be3 then Black can either go for the big wedge with e5 or play Rb8 with a quick Q-side expansion.
Originally posted by rob39Well, you can never dodge *all* theory, but the Morra gambit is certainly straightforward. The Wing gambit is also playable. I have much better OTB results with the Morra than the Wing, for what that's worth.
Hi all
I need a system to play against the sicilian which is straight forward to understand and has a clear objective and of course dodges all the theory??
Originally posted by nimzo56...d6 is more testing? we have played an anti Sicilian, no open c-file for black, no
I think the Closed Sicilian when combined with the GPA (in some lines) can be an effective pair for OTB club play, but is utterly toothless for CC play.
In terms of Robbie's analysis I would suggest he back track to 5.. e6 and look at the more testing 5.. d6 where Black reserves options depending on how White proceeds. If Be3 then Black can either go for the big wedge with e5 or play Rb8 with a quick Q-side expansion.
central pawn majority for the ending, no play against the king pawn, hes practically
busted already! In the case of ...d6 and the proposed ...Rb8 and ...b5 with
queenside expansion, we are good to go. After Be3! black must choose his system
and we have cunning fox like plans for each of them,
...Nf6, we play a slow build up against the kingside beginning with h3 (black has
positional threat of ...Ng4)
...e6, we exchange the dark squared bishops with Qd2, Bh6 and open the position
with d4 aiming at the now weak pawn on d6
in the case of ...e5, we also play Qd2, Bh6 and then f4, doubling rooks on the f file
with good play
and in the case of ...Rb8, we play Nge2 preserving both Qd2, Bh6 and f4 plans
easy life! Now compare that to learning reams of lines for the Najdorf, The classical
Sicilian, the Dragon, etc and what is more, closed Sicilian has been played at the
highest level, by Boris Spassky, Michael Adams to name but a few! Even Bobby
(peace be upon him) tried it on his return match against Boris
If I see another maltreated King's Bishop sitting on g2 after
White has played 1.e4 I'll top myself.
You have played 1.e4!
Why on earth are you weakening your Kingside to spend another
two. oh so precious, opening moves to put this wretched piece on
a square where all it can see is a White pawn's bum.
Stop posting these frigid, impotent, gutless fianchettoed King's Bishops games.
"Invent your own defense."
Wrong. It should read:
"Invent you own attack!"
The only 'D' word I want to see you guys using is Development.
Rob39 if there was a winning system against the Sicilian it would have been
discovered 50 years ago. There aint one.
Neither is there is there a bust to 1.e4. so what is the problem?
Play Chess.
Originally posted by greenpawn34My good man, the rationale has been given, we are prepared to play not ...d4 as the
If I see another maltreated King's Bishop sitting on g2 after
White has played 1.e4 I'll top myself.
You have played 1.e4!
Why on earth are you weakening your Kingside to spend another
two. oh so precious, opening moves to put this wretched piece on
a square where all it can see is a White pawn's bum.
Neither is there is there a bust to 1.e4. so what is the problem?
Play Chess.
Sicilians would like, but the anti Sicilian, d3, our bishop therefore belongs on g2, its
a sound solid developing move and looks pretty as well. where else are you going
to put your Kings Bishop, b5? Well ok, but it shall soon leave board for blacks
queens knight, play a Sozin with Bc4 and Bb3? well ok, but ..e6 is coming. The dude
in question wanted a simple and straightforward system to play against the Sicilian,
he didn't mention which Sicilian, therefore, closed is sound and simple and Bg2 is
logical. Here is my latest brilliancy using the system, against a similarly rated player.
Originally posted by greenpawn34Had to check that,I really did say defense.Wow! 😕
If I see another maltreated King's Bishop sitting on g2 after
White has played 1.e4 I'll top myself.
You have played 1.e4!
Why on earth are you weakening your Kingside to spend another
two. oh so precious, opening moves to put this wretched piece on
a square where all it can see is a White pawn's bum.
...[text shortened]... one.
Neither is there is there a bust to 1.e4. so what is the problem?
Play Chess.
I meant opening of course.
I'd like to know what 'topping yourself' means,so
hope it's nothing too painful.
Hi Torten.
It means committing suicide by jumping into a lake weighed
down with opening books.
Robbie what about the Bb5 lines. The Bishop has an effect on the game.
Usually it goes out in a blaze of glory chopping the c6 Knight which exerts
pressure on e5 and d4. It has done it's job.
And why not 3.d4.
Fischer, Spassky and God knows who else's name has been added to
give weight to the KIA (an oxymoron if ever there was one.....Google it).
Check out their games. 90% of the time they played 3.d4 and met head on
the Sicilain player in a toe to toe fight.
Bc4 in the Sicilian even bears Fischer's name.
You Bg2 aficionado's should cease trying to pull others down into the
same dark hole that you are in. Your dry listless play is as stale and still
as canal water.
You have played 1.e4 filling a chess piece full of hope and expectancy.
Yet you smother him on g2. Why?
Because you fear a ½ open c-file and a handful of moves your opponent
may have memorised. Good Grief.
Your are not 1.e4 players.
You are charlatans (you can look that up whilst you are checking out oxymoron).
PS: Good game Robbie. 😉
Originally posted by greenpawn34Ha ha, Robbie's just having some fun violating one of Purdy's guidelines from his "Guide to Good Chess". What a rebel!
If I see another maltreated King's Bishop sitting on g2 after
White has played 1.e4 I'll top myself.