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Teaching chess to an eight year old

Teaching chess to an eight year old

Only Chess

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Chessmaster helps. It's very fun and easy for little kids to use.

There's also kids chess acamedy online. Search for it on yahoo and it should pop up. Very addicting even for adults if you are below 1400ish.

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Originally posted by RahimK
Chessmaster helps. It's very fun and easy for little kids to use.

There's also kids chess acamedy online. Search for it on yahoo and it should pop up. Very addicting even for adults if you are below 1400ish.
chessmaster is horrible, it doesnt play like a human, and it doesnt allow for tactics. Thumbs down

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Originally posted by rbmorris
2. Get Fritz vs. Chesster (software program for kids)
I agree. It teaches the basics in a fun and easy way, and once you have gone through the exercises, you can use it to play normal games.

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Originally posted by HomerJSimpson
chessmaster is horrible, it doesnt play like a human, and it doesnt allow for tactics. Thumbs down
You got to joking!

Of course it doesn't play like a human, it's a computer.

Play weaker personalities and it always makes blunder and other stuff.

CM has tons of instruction for the absolute beginner drills, lectures, seperate room for kids with funny looking pieces.

It's ideal for anyone learning chess from 0-1600.

I can't believe you don't like it. It's unthinkable unless if your a Expert or Master then alright fine.

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Originally posted by HomerJSimpson
chessmaster is horrible, it doesnt play like a human, and it doesnt allow for tactics. Thumbs down
Certainly no tactics in this game against Vlad, a Chessmaster X "personality":

[Event "Chessmaster 10th Edition Rated Game"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2006.01.26"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Wulebgr"]
[Black "Vlad"]
[Result "1-0"]
[PlyCount "181"]
[EventDate "2006.??.??"]
[TimeControl "600"]

1. d4 b6 2. e4 Bb7 3. Bd3 Nf6 4. Nc3 e6 5. Nf3 Bb4 6. e5 Ne4 7. Bd2 Nxd2 8.
Qxd2 O-O 9. a3 Bxc3 10. Qxc3 Bd5 11. Bc4 Be4 12. Be2 Nc6 13. O-O a6 14. Rac1
Bd5 15. Qd2 Qe7 16. c4 Be4 17. Qe3 Bg6 18. Rfd1 f5 19. d5 f4 20. Qd2 exd5 21.
cxd5 Nxe5 22. Rxc7 Nxf3+ 23. Bxf3 Qd6 24. Rdc1 Rae8 25. h3 h5 26. Qd4 Rf6 27.
Rc8 Rff8 28. Rxe8 Rxe8 29. Kf1 b5 30. Qc5 Bd3+ 31. Kg1 Qxc5 32. Rxc5 Re1+ 33.
Kh2 h4 34. Rc7 Bf5 35. Bg4 Bxg4 36. hxg4 Re7 37. g5 Kh7 38. Kh3 Kg6 39. Kxh4
Kf5 40. Ra7 Re1 41. g4+ Ke5 42. Kh3 Kd6 43. Rxa6+ Kxd5 44. Kg2 Re4 45. Ra7 Kc6
46. Ra8 d5 47. Rg8 Re7 48. Kf3 Rd7 49. Kxf4 d4 50. Rc8+ Kb6 51. Rc2 d3 52. Rd2
Kc5 53. Ke3 Kc4 54. f4 Re7+ 55. Kf2 Re8 56. b3+ Kc3 57. Rd1 Re2+ 58. Kf1 Kc2
59. Ra1 Kxb3 60. f5 Rh2 61. f6 Rh1+ 62. Kf2 Rxa1 63. fxg7 Rxa3 64. g8=Q+ Kc2
65. Qc8+ Kd2 66. Qc5 Rb3 67. g6 Rb2 68. Kf3 Rb1 69. g7 Rf1+ 70. Ke4 Re1+ 71.
Kd4 Re8 72. Qxb5 Rd8+ 73. Ke4 Ke2 74. Kf5 Rc8 75. Kf6 Rd8 76. Kf7 Rc8 77. g8=Q
Rxg8 78. Kxg8 Ke3 79. Qxd3+ Kxd3 80. g5 Ke4 81. g6 Kd5 82. g7 Ke6 83. Kf8 Kf6
84. g8=Q Ke5 85. Qc4 Kd6 86. Kf7 Ke5 87. Kg6 Kd6 88. Kf6 Kd7 89. Qc5 Kd8 90.
Ke6 Ke8 91. Qe7# 1-0


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Just destroy the pupil everytime, sooner or later they will give up/cry.

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Originally posted by JoniG
I haven't met Prof. Fritz yet but I hear its the best in analysis. Especially for masters and above.

But I would not teach my kid with Chessmaster most definately.
For quality of game analysis, there is no comparison between Fritz and Chessmaster. Fritz offers quality.

However, children that are beginners, as well as adults who have yet to learn some basics, can gain a lot from the lessons in Chessmaster.

Chessmaster is good software, but it is not in the same league as Fritz. If we compare Chessmaster to the top high school football team in my state, Fritz would be comparable to the Seahawks.

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Originally posted by Wulebgr
For quality of game analysis, there is no comparison between Fritz and Chessmaster. Fritz offers quality.

However, children that are beginners, as well as adults who have yet to learn some basics, can gain a lot from the lessons in Chessmaster.

Chessmaster is good software, but it is not in the same league as Fritz. If we compare Chessmaster to the top high school football team in my state, Fritz would be comparable to the Seahawks.
Seconded. Chess master is great for learning. Forget the personality nosense. Yes they are not the best but even fritz personalities are dumb for new people.

All the lecture, drill, tutorials are well worth it for CM.

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Someone mentioned this site above, and I recommend it to all of my friends who mention that their kids have shown an interest. One co-worker's son had a 4th grade teacher who encouraged chess play in school, and held weekly matches. The son was new to chess, and did not fare well at first. After spending some time on this site, he easily became one of the top two players in his classroom. This doesn't mean that he is ready for tournaments by any stretch, but it does mean that the site teaches basic ideas in a fun and easily grasped fashion that appeals to kids, and helps encourage them to continue. As an added benfit, it's free!


PS I bought "Learn to Play Chess with Fritz and Chesster" for my 8 year old, but he tired of it rather quickly 🙁

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Originally posted by JoniG
Yeah, lectures were pretty good but somewhat shallow.
Interesting. Maybe the ones in the kids section but the other ones were very good I taught. I learnt a lot of new things from them and I'm not a beginner by any means.

I am referring to CM 10000 though. I know the 9000, 8000 lectures are similar but I never went through them and they must have added new lectures.

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