Originally posted by GarnothGetting too fancy. Something like 13. h3 Nh6 14. Bxh6 gxh6 15. O-O should leave White the advantageous position.
I will show you a game where I thought I had a winning attack but was just 1 tempo short.... The end of the game is bad, I know 🙁
Game 6059537
Originally posted by GarnothAlas. I know what you mean. Don't you wish in that game your h pawn wasn't there? If there was rule to magic it of the board would be great. Have lost a few like that.
I will show you a game where I thought I had a winning attack but was just 1 tempo short.... The end of the game is bad, I know 🙁
Game 6059537
Of course not all classic Bishop sacs need the Knight to go to g5 as part of the plot.
Here all the Knight need do is land on d5 threatening mate on e7 to end the game.
Never trusted that 'pin' variation of the Sicilian, Black gets the pawn, White gets the point.
White allows the Black Queen to feast on the QNP, the f6 Knight is kicked, Bxh7+ 1-0.
Alas. I know what you mean. Don't you wish in that game your h pawn wasn't there? If there was rule to magic it of the board would be great. Have lost a few like that.
I think I had a advantage, I just was impatient, I needed to sit longer that a few seconds (which is the time I took for Bxh7) and set up the attack before saccing. Al his pieces are out of the kingside, so there had to be something there...