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The Dangers of Following Theory.

The Dangers of Following Theory.

Only Chess

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Originally posted by Data Fly
If White allows Black to sac his queen for the bishop then the win is trivial. e.g.
[FEN "5k2/3p4/3Pp1b1/4Pp2/5PpB/6P1/5K1q/8 w - - 0 1"]
[SetUp "1"]

. . . . . k . .
. . . p . . . .
. . . P p . b .
. . . . P p . .
. . . . . P p B
. . . . . . P .
. . . . . K . q
. . . . . . . .
white to play
1. Ke3 Qxh4 2. gxh4 Kg7 3. Kf2 Kh6 4. Kg2 Kh5 5. Kg3 Bf7 6. Kf2 Kxh4 7. Kg1
Oh simple zugswang. I was only looking at the black king coming out on the other end of the pawn chain didnt even see this simple idea. Thanks.

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