The French is driving me crazy

The French is driving me crazy

Only Chess

09 Nov 06
22 Aug 11

Originally posted by nimzo5
The angry, blitz loving forum troll who joined the site solely to flame CC players is nothing new. The only thing interesting about this troll's posts is the sheer rage behind them. Comical.
Alerted, off-topic posts have been removed and a warning has been issued. If there are any other off-topic posts that people would like removing, please alert them if you can.

Thanks guys.


Hereford Boathouse

08 Oct 09
22 Aug 11

Elmyr- I would stick with Nc3 against the French.

Chess Librarian

The Stacks

21 Aug 09
22 Aug 11

Originally posted by nimzo5
Elmyr- I would stick with Nc3 against the French.
Hey, do think there could be some practical advantage to playing 3. Nd2 over 3. Nc3?

My thinking is very simplistic, but it's this:

1) I get to avoid having to learn the Winawer.
2) If black plays 3. ... dxe4, then 4. Nxe4 gives me the same position I would get with 3. Nc3.
3) There are a bunch of Karpov games with 3. Nd2, and they would be good games for me to study, as they will be sound positionally, and not dependent on outrageous plans or play that would be hard for me to adopt in my own games.

Like I said, simple. Is there any value to it, or is it too simple?

08 Apr 09
22 Aug 11
1 edit

Originally posted by Paul Leggett
... [Nd2 instead of Nc3]

Like I said, simple. Is there any value to it, or is it too simple?
I found this explanation on Wikipedia some time ago:

"The move differs from 3.Nc3 in several respects: it doesn't block the path of White's c-pawn, which means he can play c3 at some stage to support the d4 pawn; and it avoids the Winawer Variation because 3...Bb4 lacks the pinning effect, with simply 4.c3 being possible, when Black has got nowhere."

To me this sounds like a reasonable explanation.

Edit: As an answer to your question: I don't think your thinking was too simplistic.


Hereford Boathouse

08 Oct 09
22 Aug 11

Originally posted by Paul Leggett
Hey, do think there could be some practical advantage to playing 3. Nd2 over 3. Nc3?

My thinking is very simplistic, but it's this:

1) I get to avoid having to learn the Winawer.
2) If black plays 3. ... dxe4, then 4. Nxe4 gives me the same position I would get with 3. Nc3.
3) There are a bunch of Karpov games with 3. Nd2, and they would be g ...[text shortened]... adopt in my own games.

Like I said, simple. Is there any value to it, or is it too simple?
Well it looks like Elmyr resigned all his games in progress so probably no longer a useful thread but...

Paul- You have a some good points for sure. Nd2 would be my next choice after Nc3. Either system presents more complex play than what you see in the Exchange or Advanced variations. My pref. for Nc3 is partially based on enjoying tense, ugly positions. 🙂

Chess Librarian

The Stacks

21 Aug 09
22 Aug 11

Originally posted by nimzo5
Well it looks like Elmyr resigned all his games in progress so probably no longer a useful thread but...

Paul- You have a some good points for sure. Nd2 would be my next choice after Nc3. Either system presents more complex play than what you see in the Exchange or Advanced variations. My pref. for Nc3 is partially based on enjoying tense, ugly positions. 🙂
I thought something like that. I know Fischer wanted to face the Winawer because he thought it was flawed, and there is something to be said for encouraging black to give you the two bishops.

Like so many opening choices, objective answers may be less useful, and it comes down to style of play as the defining factor when faced with multiple reasonable options.

02 Aug 11
22 Aug 11

ah....false alarm.
I must have misinterpreted the title of this thread

😀 I imagined something else.

Just like the time I mispelled a google search and ended up in this site instead.
After that I decided to stay 😏


30 Jul 11
24 Aug 11


06 May 08
25 Aug 11
8 edits

Hi Cube.

Never mind all this squabbling with fellow chess players. Let's talk Chess.

(Edit: I see your last post has just got pulled, not my doing.
If you enjoy a Forum Row then the General Forum is the place, the Mods are a
bit more leniant and there are plenty there who will join in. I suspect you also
got a minor forum ban so I won't be offended if you don't/can't reply.)

I liked your post regarding at our level it makes not a squat of difference
what is played on move 3 for White. The coming Middle Game is where
our blunders happen irrespective of what opening is played.

Out of sheer curioisity, nothing more, I looked at a few games. Game 8597927

You were all over Black in the opening in that game then you just seemed
to let it slide. You won but he missed a draw.

Here. (you, White to play)

You played 10.Bc4 I hate retreating pieces so spotting 10 Nc3 came quickly.

He cannot take the Bishop 10...cxb5 11.Qd5 and 11. Nd5 is coming.
Looks like some good play for White.

As I say after that you drifted and your lack of Queenside development
nearly allowed a draw.


He played 21...h6 but if he had found 21...Rd7

The Queen can only hold f2 from e3 or e2.
Then Re7 and the White only has Qd2 to hold the e1 Rook and f2.
Black missed a clear perpetual.

Once you got developed you challenged the open files and Black
either lets you have them or swaps. Merciless.

The final trade down mini combo into a clear won King and Pawn ending was good.
Some of the lads on here could learn from that. A lot tend not to swap off
Queens if they are ahead in material and get into all kinds of bother.

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