Only Chess
27 May 04
Originally posted by lloydkFrom, this game was supposed to be played by Einstein
Einstein was Lasker's roommate for awhile...he didn't like chess though, because it "grips its exponent, shackling the mind and brain so that the inner freedom and independence of even the strongest character cannot remain unaffected."
I know it's true because I read it on the Internet:
[Event "Princeton USA"]
[Site "Princeton USA"]
[Date "1933.??.??"]
[EventDate "1933.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[Result "1-0"]
[White "Albert Einstein"]
[Black "Robert Oppenheimer"]
[ECO "C78"]
[WhiteElo "?"]
[BlackElo "?"]
[PlyCount "48"]
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 b5 5.Bb3 Nf6 6.O-O Nxe4 7.Re1 d5 8.a4 b4
9.d3 Nc5 10.Nxe5 Ne7 11.Qf3 f6 12.Qh5+ g6 13.Nxg6 hxg6 14.Qxh8 Nxb3
15.cxb3 Qd6 16.Bh6 Kd7 17.Bxf8 Bb7 18.Qg7 Re8 19.Nd2 c5 20.Rad1 a5
21.Nc4 dxc4 22.dxc4 Qxd1 23.Rxd1+ Kc8 24.Bxe7 1-0
Gotta be Paul Morphy or Fischer, Morphy vs. Fischer would be an interesting match up, probably would turn out to be a draw 😉. There's a book I have for the time being that sayd Kasparov is the greatest player of all time (pish, don't agree with that), anyone agree with that?
Josh-(Capablanca was probably the greatest endgame master though, just my opinion) 🙂
Originally posted by GalaxyShieldI suppose we could create a Robinson Crusoe-type scenario to identify the best natural chess player:
Gotta be Paul Morphy or Fischer, Morphy vs. Fischer would be an interesting match up, probably would turn out to be a draw 😉. There's a book I have for the time being that sayd Kasparov is the greatest player of all time (pish, don't agree with that), anyone agree with that?
Josh-(Capablanca was probably the greatest endgame master though, just my opinion) 🙂
Take all the candidates to a desert island at the age of 6, teach them the basic moves of chess, make sure they dont interact with each other and return 20 years later to pit them up in a tournament. Who would win?
Originally posted by GalaxyShieldFischer didn't study much!!?? 😲🙄
Well, I have to say Fischer cause I dunno how much Morphy studied and practiced. Fischer pretty much took off when he started playing (duh) and I don't think he studied a whole lot, just played and eventually went insane (like Morphy ironicly). Josh
Originally posted by GalaxyShieldThat doesn't mean he wasn't a great player.But when talking about the greatest natural talent,I'd say it has to be Capablanca.Though,he too,will have done his fair share of studying.History will have you believe he never really studied chess,but I don't buy that.
Alright, now I know, worked out for me then, gathered some knowledge 😀. Thanks. Josh
Originally posted by SirLoseALotDon't forget about morphy!!! I can't imagine he studied a lot before kicking everyone's ass.
That doesn't mean he wasn't a great player.But when talking about the greatest natural talent,I'd say it has to be Capablanca.Though,he too,will have done his fair share of studying.History will have you believe he never really studied chess,but I don't buy that.