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The Grob.  1. g4

The Grob. 1. g4

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Just looked into this opening tonight, and am thinking of making it part of my opening repetoire, as it looks to be a good "surprise factor" opening.

Anybody had any experience with it, that they'd like to share?


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Originally posted by Ragnorak
Just looked into this opening tonight, and am thinking of making it part of my opening repetoire, as it looks to be a good "surprise factor" opening.

Anybody had any experience with it, that they'd like to share?

Lots of traps with Bxb7 that lots of people miss πŸ˜€ I use it sometimes. Quite good!

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The name is derived from the Borg opening. The letters are reversed.

You didn't ask about this, but I told you anyway.

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Originally posted by Santa Drummer
Lots of traps with Bxb7 that lots of people miss πŸ˜€ I use it sometimes. Quite good!
Then post a game (played here please) started with g4,I'd like to see it.

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Originally posted by Ravello
Then post a game (played here please) started with g4,I'd like to see it.
I use it for blitz at school, not here obviously, thats stupid.

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Originally posted by Bowmann
The name is derived from the [b]Borg opening. The letters are reversed.

You didn't ask about this, but I told you anyway.[/b]
So resistance is futile?

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Originally posted by Nordlys
So resistance is futile?
When I play it, yes. Tactically, this opening tends to create pretty wild games.

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I thought it was named after the Swiss master Henri Grob. It's fun to play....
Masscat – Anon.
1.g4 d5 2.Bg2 Nc6 3.c4 e6 4.cxd5 exd5 5.Qb3 Nf6 6.g5 Ne4 7.d3 Nc5 8.Qxd5 Qxd5 9.Bxd5 Nd4 10.Na3 Nxd3+ 11.exd3 Bxa3 12.bxa3 Nc2+ 13.Kd1 Nxa1 14.Bb2 Bf5 15.Bxa1 Bxd3 16.Bxg7 Rg8 17.Bf6 c6 18.Bb3 Rg6 19.Ne2 Bxe2+ 20.Kxe2 h6 21.h4 Kf8 22.Rd1 Re8+ 23.Kf1 hxg5 24.hxg5 Rxf6 25.gxf6 c5 26.Rd7 b5 27.Rxf7+ Kg8 28.Rg7+ Kh8 29.f7 Re1+ 30.Kxe1 Kxg7 31.Bd5 a5 32.Kd2 c4 33.Kc3 Kf8 34.a4 bxa4 35.Kxc4 a3 36.Kb5 1–0

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I would have never thought to use that opening I'll have to use it on one of my friends.

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Originally posted by Ragnorak
Anybody had any experience with it, that they'd like to share?

Black should really always play the Romford counter-gambit

1. g4 d5 2. Bg2 Bxg4 3. c4 d4 4.

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Originally posted by sevenstar
Black should really always play the Romford counter-gambit

1. g4 d5 2. Bg2 Bxg4 3. c4 d4 4.
Does that not just lose the Rook and a pawn for the bishop?

I played Sunday League soccer in Romford. I can't believe there's a counter-gambit named after it. πŸ™‚


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Originally posted by Bowmann
The name is derived from the [b]Borg opening. The letters are reversed.

You didn't ask about this, but I told you anyway.[/b]
The Borg is a reverse Grob for black 1. ... g5. I think it's got more merit than the Grob aka The Spike. IM Mike Basman played both quite a bit and got some notable wins http://www.chessgames.com/perl/chessgame?gid=1102936
[Event "Oxford"]
[Site "Oxford"]
[Date "1978.??.??"]
[EventDate "?"]
[Round "?"]
[Result "1-0"]
[White "Basman Michael"]
[Black "Nunn John D M (ENG)"]
[ECO "A00"]
[WhiteElo "?"]
[BlackElo "?"]
[PlyCount "60"]

1.g4 d5 2.h3 e5 3.d3 Bd6 4.c4 c6
5.Nc3 Ne7 6.Nf3 h5 7.gxh5 Rxh5 8.Bd2 a6
9.e4 dxe4 10.dxe4 Nd7 11.Ng5 Nf6 12.Qf3 Ng6
13.O-O-O Qe7 14.Kb1 Nf4 15.Rg1 Kf8 16.Ne2 Ne6
17.Nxe6+ Bxe6 18.Ng3 Rh8 19.Bg5 Rd8 20.Be2 Rxh3
21.Qg2 Bc7 22.Nh5 Rxd1+ 23.Rxd1 Rxh5 24.Bxh5 Qb4
25.Be2 Bxc4 26.Bxc4 Qxc4 27.Bxf6 gxf6 28.Qg4 Qe6
29.Qxe6 fxe6 30.Rd7 1-0

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The book line runs:
1.g4 d5 2.Bg2 Bxg4 3.c4 d4 4.Bxb7 Nd7 5.Bxa8 Qxa8 6.Nf3 d3 7.Rg1 dxe2 8.Qxe2 Bxf3

White has better at move 6:
1.g4 d5 2.Bg2 Bxg4 3.c4 d4 4.Bxb7 Nd7 5.Bxa8 Qxa8 6.f3 e5 7.d3 Be7

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Not good for correspondence, unless you want to throw the game away just for the fun of it.

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