Originally posted by paranoidyoshiIt's possible to play Bg5 against the Dutch as well, and unless you play the Leningrad Variation it's a nuisance as you are more or less forced into a Leningrad set up, eg Game 1193973
no way. trompowsky is one of the reasons i switched from King's Indian to dutch (torre attack is the other)
Originally posted by onyx2006Good for you (subscribing), however taking a day to move is hardly unreasonable. Once you subscribe you can just have 80 games that only move once a day =)
Sorry, had to scrap my game, you were taking waaaay too long to move. Had to free up some games, I'm off to subscribe now... I've become addicted to RHP.
Ahhhh, that reminds me of the first day I subscribed and unlocked a new world......signing up for tournaments like it was going out of fashion and working up an unmanagable game load. Sigh, those were the days......
*wipes away the trickling tear of remeniscence*
Now everything is too familiar, I'm awaiting a super-subscription requirement for access to the unknown, where chess pieces dance naked on candle-lit patio squares and I always have the full compliment of games awaiting my move whenever I log on. How about it Russ?
ok the first game is over, a win for me!!!!!!!! (happy!)
But it was not really a good game, my enemy gave up, he wanted to play more games.
In the ending position i´m not sure who stands best. I was gonna get a double pawn and a weak d pawn but its not so clear.
I came out bad of the opening, he was given the chance to infiltrate with his peices.
So, 1-0 to the Trompowsky in the match betwen the Trompowsky and the rest of RHP.
Trompowsky (now taking more challenges)😵
Originally posted by TheGambitdone 🙂
Ahhhh, that reminds me of the first day I subscribed and unlocked a new world......signing up for tournaments like it was going out of fashion and working up an unmanagable game load. Sigh, those were the days......
*wipes away the trickling tear of remeniscence*
Now everything is too familiar, I'm awaiting a super-subscription requirement for acces ...[text shortened]... lways have the full compliment of games awaiting my move whenever I log on. How about it Russ?