Originally posted by TyrannosauruschexI think Fritz will be ablr to beat you in any opening. So better test that line against humans. Btw. 5.Nc3 is quite popular amongst top GMs.
I have had some really bad results against fritz when playing Nc3 - it has some really irritating moves that it comes up with and I dont like the idea of playing a person who could find them as well.
Originally posted by TyrannosauruschexIt's the Cochrane Gambit and unsound against higher level players. Best is 5. ... c5 and white has a tough time pressing home.
That is a bit mad, it looks a bit like the halloween gambit.
Might be intresting to look into though, have you had any games using it?
Game 3755287
Originally posted by buffalobill"Unsound against higher level players"???
It's the Cochrane Gambit and unsound against higher level players. Best is 5. ... c5 and white has a tough time pressing home.
Game 3755287
Topalov-Kramnik, Linares, 1999: 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nf6 3 Ne5 d6 4 Nf7 Kf7 5 Nc3, 1/2-1/2 in 31 moves
Shirazi-Lane, Los Angeles, 1983: 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nf6 3 Ne5 d6 4 Nf7 Kf7 5 d4, 1-0 in only 20 moves!
Originally posted by eagleeye222001Game in Cochrane gambit:
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. Nxe5 d6 4. Nxf7 Kxf7 5. d4 and white will get his pieces out and attack the king side while black will do his best to trade pieces and get his king to a safer spot.
Topalov-Kramnik Linares 1999 1/2-1/2
(Looks like I was just beaten to it. 🙂 )