Originally posted by greenpawn34His Japanese wife said he had quite a few chess friends. And this was during the nutty last half of his life. Clearly people always liked creating the myth of the mysterious and socially disfunctional genius.
And who wrote all this crap about Fischer being anti-social. The media.
Don't like Tobey for the part not because I think he is a bad actor. I think he's pretty damn good actor but the chemistry just feels wrong. I'm sure with a solid director and good actors they will produce the sort of thing that often win Best Picture - think 'A Beautiful Mind'. But it would be nice if they did this really well and it wasn't just a well made and generic hollywood drama.
Originally posted by TSaffleHis acting is going to have to carry the role because his height sure won't. Toby is around 5'8". Fischer was 6'2".
I have a very hard time seeing Tobey Maguire in this role. Maybe it can work but I doubt it.
I guess they'll pull a Tom Cruise and make sure the rest of the cast doesn't exceed Toby's height?