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Well, DF, thanks for giving me the opportunity to comment. Very interesting position. Blacks king is looking precarious, but perhaps not easy for white to take advantage. I think white is just too far behind in development. And then black has the luxury of giving back a piece if necessary. If black can achieve Nxe5, I think that is crushing.

Oh well, I'm dying to know what happens next, but getting late now... need sleep! I guess I'll find out tomorrow morning. Thanks again.

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Originally posted by Dragon Fire
Is there any need to worry about the fact that the king is also in front of the queen so a check with a rook could win the queen.

Is black in a mess. Surely not! he is material up. I sacrificed unsoundly. Where did he go wrong and what improvements can you suggest on his past play?
Oops!... I didn't know you've come back with a reply!.... Yes, of course there is that possibility of the rook check on d1. But that's what I mean that black has the luxury to give back a piece if necessary. Once the knight does Nxd4, that Rd1 and c3 move might not mean black losing his queen. A piece, maybe... but I don't see losing the queen.

And yes, black is not that terrible. I was just having a glance and looking at that possible skewer. But upon further reflection, maybe not that terrifying after all. Hmm... I must look back from the beginning tomorrow. See how white could have played differently. Would be very interesting.

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Originally posted by ckoh1965
Oops!... I didn't know you've come back with a reply!.... Yes, of course there is that possibility of the rook check on d1. But that's what I mean that black has the luxury to give back a piece if necessary. Once the knight does Nxd4, that Rd1 and c3 move might not mean black losing his queen. A piece, maybe... but I don't see losing the queen.

And yes, ...[text shortened]... beginning tomorrow. See how white could have played differently. Would be very interesting.
You don't need to see how white could have played differently. White has made one (deliberate) mistake, namely BXf7+. What you need to do is find improvements for black - believe it or not one more slight inaccuracy and this game swings to white.

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is it me? or can white win back that bishop hes down from here.
if blacks not carefull, whites rook can take the knight on f6, forcing check. would be taken by the gpawn most likely, and Qd5+ would win the bishop.
i know in basic chess, sacrificing a rook for a knight is bad practice, but it would even it out somewhat gaining the bishop as well.
The dpawn must also be taken care of, because of the fore mentioned ^ fork it could create with the king and the knight soon.

im gonna agree, blacks postion is wavering slightly. His king is too open to attack. And there are gaps in his defence that are to easy to exploit from whites position.

black needs to get his postion into order and put his extra piece into play quickly.

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Originally posted by R3aPeI2
is it me? or can white win back that bishop hes down from here.
if blacks not carefull, whites rook can take the knight on f6, forcing check. would be taken by the gpawn most likely, and Qd5+ would win the bishop.
i know in basic chess, sacrificing a rook for a knight is bad practice, but it would even it out somewhat gaining the bishop as well.
The dpawn ...[text shortened]... osition.

black needs to get his postion into order and put his extra piece into play quickly.
The Rook sacrifice for the Knight is a possibility but at thye moment white does not have enough pieces in play to make it work and he can probably win back the piece another way.

Of course taking with the B or N on d4 can be met immediately with c3. (B or N) moves then the Rook check and the King cannot move without exposing the Queen. Black must take care here.

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Originally posted by Dragon Fire
The Rook sacrifice for the Knight is a possibility but at thye moment white does not have enough pieces in play to make it work and he can probably win back the piece another way.

Of course taking with the B or N on d4 can be met immediately with c3. (B or N) moves then the Rook check and the King cannot move without exposing the Queen. Black must take care here.
Good morning!.... Ah...I'm glad that the game hasn't gone far from last night. In my opinion, in this position black should take the d-pawn with his knight. I'm not sure white has the the 'immediate' c3. He is just too far behind. Yes, white can probably win a piece with the c3 move, but I don't see the 'immediate' option of doing so. White must develop some more pieces here. If after Nxd4, c3, black has either b5! or Nxe4. And I think black is holding well. Very soon black's queen can come into the game, say Qh4 comes to mind, and the rooks will be connected. Very strong I think.

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Originally posted by R3aPeI2
is it me? or can white win back that bishop hes down from here.
if blacks not carefull, whites rook can take the knight on f6, forcing check. would be taken by the gpawn most likely, and Qd5+ would win the bishop.
i know in basic chess, sacrificing a rook for a knight is bad practice, but it would even it out somewhat gaining the bishop as well.
The dpawn ...[text shortened]... osition.

black needs to get his postion into order and put his extra piece into play quickly.
Yes, that idea of Rxf6 presents itself immediately. I was thinking about that possibility earlier, but quickly dismissed it. Once Nxd4, then Rxf6 is not even a possibility, because black would have Qxf6!.

It's interesting that you mentioned "... whites rook can take the knight on f6, forcing check, would be taken by the gpawn most likely.." In my opinion, Qxf6 is equally likely, if not more likely than gxf6. The point is that white would help black develop the queen.

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I will volunteer as soon as I subscribe in a week or so

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Oh dear, what has happened to black in Game 2660753

The position after blacks 14th move is

White threatens
15. BXe5+ .. KXB;
16. QXc5+ .. Ke6;
17. Qf5+ .. Ke7;
18. e5 .. Rf8;
19. eXf6+ .. RXf6;
20. Qe5+ .. Kf7;
21. Nd2 with a winning advantage to white.

So what went wrong? Was 5. BXf7+ actually a good move or did black go wrong somewhere. If the latter what did black do wrong and why? What should black have done?

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We have now moved on a little in Game 2660753

White has managed to equalise the material. In fact white was a knight up but carelessly gave it back to a simple fork and we have now reached this position with white to move.

Who stands better now?
What should whites plan be?
What should blacks plan be?

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Whites can't trade pieces with Qf8+ since it's seems at best to be a drawn k+p endgame. He must therefore protect his a-pawn with b3 (Qf7 obviously doesn't work). For strategy my guess is black and white playes with their queens against eachothers pawns and the rooks stay to guard the backrank until g and h pawn has moved. Not much of strategy, I'll leave it to someone else 😛

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Originally posted by Dragon Fire
for only 1 person at the moment!

You must never have exceeded a rating of 1400, a subscriber (to RHP) and it must be clear from your profile and attitude to games that you are serious and want to improve.

Post your name here and I will contact the successful applicant.

I have never done this before so will be playing it by ear. The intention is ...[text shortened]... until we get your rating to 1600 or until either of us feel no further improvement is possible.
I'll volunteer as a tutor, if that's OK with you. The list is far too long for only one person..

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Originally posted by schakuhr
I'll volunteer as a tutor, if that's OK with you. The list is far too long for only one person..
Absolutely great. Take someone one (next in list if they are still interested) and try and post things here for us all to learn. As you can see from my game I am making some deliberate mistakes and trying to get my opponents to see the weaknesses and capitalise. Hopefully they will learn and I think it does me good as well.

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Originally posted by schakuhr
I'll volunteer as a tutor, if that's OK with you. The list is far too long for only one person..
pick me ! pick me ! 🙂

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Originally posted by Dragon Fire
We have now moved on a little in Game 2660753

White has managed to equalise the material. In fact white was a knight up but carelessly gave it back to a simple fork and we have now reached this position with white to move.


Who stands better now?
What should whites plan be?
What should blacks plan be?
What an interesting position. Both sides have backrank weaknesses. Of course one way to solve the backrank problem is by the h or g pawn move, i.e. making escape squares for the respective kings. But I think white has the option of b3, as suggested by sorrymate. The point is that the c2 pawn is indirectly protected, so the black queen can't touch it. If b3, black has only 4 possible replies: Qb4, Qc5, Qe6 or the very passive Qg8.

But not easy to see a good continuation after that. Perhaps sooner or later, will have to create those escape squares (for the kings) for both sides. And then maybe white can seek to work on those 2 pawn islands on black's queenside. However, with accurate play by black, maybe not so promising in my opinion.

As far as black is concerned, if his king has an escape square, say on h7. Then taking the c2 pawn is a promising line to consider because then his own d-pawn will become very strong. Mathematically speaking, game is equal.

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