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two blitz games

two blitz games

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game 1.

Black can play 5...Qxg4 0-1

10...Ng4 0-1

17 Rfc1?? better is Nd1 1-0

19. Nxe5 1-0

game 2.

It was lost from move 4.

16. Qe7 0-1

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Originally posted by Shinidoki
hehe... if only I kept my win against Korch.
You beat Korch at blitz? Thats a good win - well done.

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Originally posted by Dragon Fire
You beat Korch at blitz? Thats a good win - well done.
I've played him twice, lost 1 won 1

but, seeing as I got him once I've got full bragging rights 🙂

I never bothered to save the win, but heres the loss:

[Event "RHP Blitz rated"]
[Site "www.redhotpawn.com"]
[Date "2007.5.12"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Korch"]
[Black "Shinidoki"]
[Result "1-0"]

1. e2-e4 e7-e5 2. f2-f4 e5xf4 3. Ng1-f3 d7-d6 4. d2-d4 g7-g6 5. Bc1xf4 Bf8-g7 6. c2-c3 Bc8-d7 7. Bf1-d3 Nb8-c6 8. Qd1-d2 Ng8-e7 9. Nb1-a3 a7-a6 10. Na3-c2 O-O 11. O-O-O f7-f5 12. h2-h4 f5xe4 13. Bd3xe4 Ne7-f5 14. h4-h5 Rf8-e8 15. Rd1-e1 Nc6-e7 16. h5xg6 Ne7xg6 17. Bf4-g5 Qd8-c8 18. Be4-d5 Bd7-e6 19. Re1xe6 Re8xe6 20. Rh1-e1 Ng6-f8 21. Qd2-e2 Kg8-f7 22. Bg5-d2 h7-h6 23. g2-g4 Nf5-e7 24. Bd5xe6 Qc8xe6 25. Qe2-f1 Qe6-f6 26. g4-g5 h6xg5 27. Nf3xg5 Kf7-g6 28. Qf1-g2 Bg7-h6 29. Ng5-e4 1-0

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