heh i did name that wrong it was supposed to be g5 not g6 i let that one get by me 😛 but why would forcing the trade of bishops not be good? after black moves his pawn down to prevent the bishop from escaping couldn't white move his queen up then? then black will have to protect the pawn with yet another piece or else white will simply take the g5 pawn with his bishop and attack black's queen? let me see if i can get notation right this time 😛
10. Bxh6 g5 🙂
11. Qd2 f6? and black's kingside is shot to pieces?
Originally posted by RahimKIdioms is 1700 plus and I'm 1620, but I'll still be popping in and out. 🙂
1. RahimK
2. Kevin Mcfarland
3. Falco Lombardi
4. pizzintea
5. Shinidoki
6. Loki74
7. chesskid001
8. MoneyMaker
idioms? cmsmaster? briancron? Can I add your names to the list?
Originally posted by cmsMasterHehe, it happens. I try not to go into variations to much because It's not as fun and you can go on forever. I like going through the main game and very few variations.
Yes I do, especially when GM Ivanchuk plays moves like Ke7 which clearly aren't the best.
Every player can have improvements made.
Okay, so it basically took 1 minute to solve a simple puzzles like that.
Everyone on the list can spare 1 minute in 2 days right to solve or try to solve the puzzles and post the answer? It doesn't have to be right, as long as you try and post something. Is that fair? I'll go over master games and in return you will give me 1 minute of you time and post the solution to the problem.
Originally posted by BedlamYes! I have a problem with Kasp. Stalemating this opponent when he had a king + Queen vs a King and Pawn. He was 2 moves away from mate and what does he do?
If you've solved a few tactical problems you've probably disagreed with a GM (and been right!) 🙂
Stalemates the person!
Originally posted by RahimKyessir 🙂
Okay, so it basically took 1 minute to solve a simple puzzles like that.
Everyone on the list can spare 1 minute in 2 days right to solve or try to solve the puzzles and post the answer? It doesn't have to be right, as long as you try and post something. Is that fair? I'll go over master games and in return you will give me 1 minute of you time and post the solution to the problem.
Originally posted by RahimKFrom Gm Seirwan's book:
Yes! I have a problem with Kasp. Stalemating this opponent when he had a king + Queen vs a King and Pawn. He was 2 moves away from mate and what does he do?
Stalemates the person!
34. We are absolutely sure you found 1. Qd7+ Kf8 2. Qf7 mate or 1. Qd4 Kf8 2. Qh8 mate. Congratulate yourself! In this same type of position, world champion Garry Kasparov permitted a stalemate by 1. Qd6. There were extenuating circumstances: Kasparov was playing a wild and exciting speed game (both sides having only five minutes for the entire game) against a strong grandmaster, and in his eagerness to win he overlooked this stalemate pattern. Still, this mistake is probably the most elementary error in the champion's entire career.