Originally posted by greenpawn34I don't see anything in that position. What did you accomplish with that line?
We can squeeze one last instructive moment from this game
before we put this thread to bed.
Game saving idea coming up - not forced but stick the idea your
back pocket for a rainy day.
Here is the game. Don't play it out.
Just look at the final postion.
[Event "Clan challenge"]
[Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com"]
[Da ...[text shortened]... 1
Black to play.
Originally posted by HabeascorpAs white after the 10th move it depends on my mood and the assumed strength of my opponent.I might carry on a while longer hoping my opponent will drop a piece or overlook a mate threat.I might resign right there due to low morale caused by losing a piece like that.
Personal question to everyone about this game. In White's position I would probably have resigned after move 10 and as black after white move 38.
I appreciate that not resigning is completely acceptable, I just wonder what each of you would have done when if you had been either colour?
As black after the 38th move I'd definitely carry on trying for a swindle(see GP's idea) no matter what my opponent's strenght is.
All regardless of being blitz,standard or corr chess.
Nobody has ever won a game by resigning! 🙂
Originally posted by AThousandYoungOops! Sorry, thinking about another game, another thread.
My game was not a blitz game.
Afraid that makes the missed mate a bit more serious.
Try a Pre-send rountine.
Before you send your move, look at the position as though you
had never seen it before.
Check all checks (even the silly ones).
You won't miss mates and it might trigger an idea.
Any pieces on unprotected squares?
Will cut down on the one move blunders and help you spot their blunders.
Any threats.
Going to a next level this one but it would have picked up the pawn fork.
Try it. The -1400 players in the Motel have been using it and already
they are seeing an improvement in their play.
This has been a good loss for you.
You really only learn from your losses and the good thing is this
must have stung, because you posted and wanted answers.
Check all checks .😉
Originally posted by greenpawn34No, it didn't sting. I was just in the mood to go over one of my games which I lost and which didn't end with something stupid like a dropped Queen.
Oops! Sorry, thinking about another game, another thread.
Afraid that makes the missed mate a bit more serious.
Try a Pre-send rountine.
Before you send your move, look at the position as though you
had never seen it before.
Check all checks (even the silly ones).
You won't miss mates and it might trigger an idea.
Any pieces on unprote ...[text shortened]... thing is this
must have stung, because you posted and wanted answers.
Check all checks .😉
Had a quick flick through a few games to see if I could see
the Queen chuck you mentioned.
Could not see it, saw some good stuff though.
You are at the tweaking and polishing stage.
The pieces are going to right squares which is the hard
part of the game, but some good moves are being missed.
Your grade should be higher than 1300.
From one experienced old hacker to a fellow chess player,
please consider a pre-send ritual.
Game 6138958
Is a good instructive example.
Took a few notes.
12.Bxe6! instead of 12.Bh4 which should have lost a piece. (12...Bxc4).
If he takes either Bishop then you are ahead, especially if takes the
g5 Bishop. 12...hxg5 then 13. Bxf7+ and you spear the a8 Rook.
Instead of 15.0-0-0 15.Bxf6 appears to overload the Black Queen.
I was also drawn to 15.Qc6+ Ke7 16.e5 and now you threaten
0-0-0 with a huge plus. Threats everywhere.
16.Bxf6 was a bad blunder which let him right back into the game.
16.Qf5 was a good move here.
19.Nb7+?? Afraid you missed a mate one 19.Qd7 checkmate
OK you won the game but if had played 21...Ra6 then you should lose.